Chen Demei, former vice president of Chinese car company SAIC Group, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China, was arrested by the First Branch of the Shanghai People's Procuratorate for suspected bribery and illegal profit.The official said that the case was undergoing further.

The Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate on Monday (September 2) on Monday (September 2) issued a post on the official Weibo. Chen Demei was suspected of accepting bribes and illegally profitable for relatives and friends.Transfer to the inspection agency for review and prosecution.A few days ago, the First Branch of the Shanghai People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Chen Demei for the crime of bribery and illegal profits for his relatives and friends.

The Shanghai Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China reported on August 1 that Chen Demei was accused of using his authority to carry out business activities and accept pornographic services for his son. He was expelled from the Communist Party of China and was canceled.

Public resumes show that Chen Demei, 62 this year, has been the manager of the Economic Running Department of SAIC Group, Quality and Economic Running Department Manager, Deputy General Manager of SAIC Group, General Manager of Shanghai Huizhong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.The general manager of Wanzhong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. and other positions.

Chen Demei served as the vice president of Shanghai Automobile Group Co., Ltd. in 2012.SAIC Group issued an announcement on April 28, 2023, saying that Chen Demei filed a application for resignation from the company's vice president due to her age. After Chen Demei resigned, he would not work in the company.Chen Demei was reported on April 25 this year.