(Yangon News) Myanmar's opposition media pointed out that Chinese local officials issued a warning in the Burmese Deion National Liberation Army. If they did not immediately stop fighting with the Burmese government forces in the northern part of the Bangbang, they would face "more deterrence and punishment measures".Essence

Myanmar Internet media Ielovali quoted a statement in the report on Thursday (August 29) in Ruili City.The statement urged the De'on Army to cooperate with China to maintain peace and stability in the border areas northern and the China -Myanmar border areas, and ensure the safety of border and local residents and China projects and citizens in Myanmar.

The statement also said that if the De'ang Army does not stop related military activities, it must be fully responsible for the consequences.

Ruili City officially urged the Dyon Army to return to the dialogue with the Myanmar military government quickly, saying that it was the correct way to resolve differences.

The Spoke of Dyeng's Army told Ielovsai on Friday (30th) that they had seen relevant statements that the Central Committee was discussing how to respond.

A spokesman said that as early as their "1027 operations" of attacking government forces in June, the Chinese government put pressure on them by blocking trade channels.

Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was required to confirm the warning of the Chinese side at the routine press conference on Friday that China pays high attention to the situation of Myanmar and the conflict between northern Myanmar and "has been doing persuasion and stopping.War work ".

"China will continue to play a constructive role for the process of peace and reconciliation in Myanmar and promote the relieving situation of northern Myanmar."

China is the largest neighbor of Myanmar and the main allies of Myanmar's military and political power.The Chinese new ambassador to Myanmar Majia, Majia, saw Ding Angshan, the Military Military Government Defense Director of the Burma Military Government on Wednesday (28th). The two sides discussed the topics of China -Myanmar border security and joint military training.

Ma Jia said that military cooperation is an important part of bilateral relations between China and Myanmar.Ding Angshan thanked China for military assistance and called for deepening bilateral relations.

Ma Jia also met with Foreign Minister Dan Rui and reached an important agreement, but the embassy did not provide more details.

On October 27 last year, the Deion Army, the Burmese National Democratic Allied Allied Army (also known as the Katano Allied forces) and the "Three Brothers Alliance Organization" launched an offensive in the northern part of Langbang.Large territories and transit points, but also affect the situation of the Sino -Myanmar border.