(Bud City Comprehensive News) Malaysia celebrated the 67th anniversary of the independence of the country on August 31. For the first time in the celebration parade, there were Chinese lion dance dance performances and played Chinese songs, as well as traditions in various ethnic groups such as Sabah and Sarawak ethnic minorities.The clothing team shows the multiculturalism of Malaysian society.

Xingzhou Daily reported that this is the first time that the Chinese cultural elements have appeared in the National Day celebration since the independence of Malaysia.The Malaysian lion dance industry strongly supports a pair of North Lions, Six -headed South Lions, and three dragon dances, plus three tigers representing Malaysia to form a parade.

Xiao Feihong, known as the "Malaysian Lion King", said in an interview that the Chinese News Agency had applied for many times to participate in the National Day parade, but has never been approved and finally officially recognized this year.The Hongde Sports Federation dispatched more than a hundred people to participate this time.

Malaysia's National Day theme this year is "Changming Malaysia, Merdica Spirit", which aims to highlight the unity of diversified society, show the development and progress of the country, and promote national identity.

In addition to incorporating cultural performances with more different ethnic groups, this year's National Day parade also includes teams composed of government departments, official joint companies, government agencies, uniform groups, athletes, etc.Among them, 515 dancers under the National Culture and Art Bureau used brooms and trash cans as props to present dance performances named "Clear Corruption", which reflects the concept of united government's transparency and integrity of integrity.

The Malaysian Solidarity Government spokesman Fami Fa Mi told the media after the celebration that Prime Minister Anhua praised this five -minute anti -corruption dance, which was called the best performance on the day.Essence

It is also the Minister of Communications, saying that this year's National Day celebrations have joined the anti -corruption element, showing that the unity government is committed to eliminating corruption.He also said that cracking down on corruption cannot be relying on the government alone, and he must also get the full cooperation and support of everyone, including the public and private fields.

"To remove Malaysia's corruption crooked wind, it is impossible to complete it unilaterally, but to play a role together. I hope that all Malaysians can receive the information conveyed by this dance performance."

The National Day celebration of Malaysia this year was held in the square of the Central Government Administrative Center, and more than 100,000 people participated.The head of the head of state Sudan Ibrahim, Prime Minister Anhua, two deputy prime ministers Ahmad Zahi and Fadira, as well as the Cabinet Minister, Diplomacy and Foreign Representatives attended the celebration.In addition to Putrajaya, various activities are also held in all places in Malaysia to celebrate the national independence anniversary.