The Special Committee of the China House of Representatives has demanded that American chip manufacturers Nvidia, Intel and Meicuang Technology's CEO (CEO) testimony has evidenced on their interests in the Chinese market.This is the first time that the committee has requested CEOs in the industry to attend the hearing since its establishment.

According to Bloomberg News Sunday (January 14), the Chinese committee has sent a letter to the above company, but the hearing date has not been determined.A assistant from the US House of Representatives said the invitation was to hear the executives' views facing the industry.

The British Financial Times quoted a person familiar with the matter last week that this hearing was the continuation of the Chinese committee to the semiconductor company and the supervision of these companies and the Chinese relations, especially Intel, Nvidia and Qualcomm. Last year, last year, last yearI went to Washington to try to prevent additional chip control.

The chairman of the Chinese Commission, Mike Gallagher, a Federal MP, and the Council, a member of the Council, and the Federal MP, the Federal Democratic Party, all power, all power.Push strict restrictions on advanced chip exports.

But industry representatives believe that losing sales in China will damage American chip manufacturers to invest in investment to improve technology and eventually weaken the leadership of the United States.

The US Department of Commerce strengthened export restrictions on semiconductors last October, and prohibit the export of chip exports with low performance produced by Nvidia and other manufacturers to China.

Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao made a call with US Minister of Commerce Raymond last week, and expressed solemn concerns about the US restricted third -party export light carvings of China, mature chip supply chain surveys, sanctions against Chinese enterprises and other expressions such as Chinese enterprises.Essence