Recently, all parts of China have brought their best to publicize the local tourism industry. Among them, the beautiful male plan launched by Henan Cultural Tourism Bureau is the most out of circle.

Beginning on January 9th, Henan Cultural Travel Bureau's official account of Douyin's official account Henan Provincial Culture and Tourism Department has released 20 or 30 videos a day to show his cultural tourism resources crazy.Such a high -frequency posting video not only attracts nearly one million new fans, but also derives how many topics the Henan cultural tourism has posted on the Internet, and successfully seized the attention of public opinion.

However, it is a series of beautiful men's videos and photos released by Henan Cultural Travel Bureau on the whole network.

The beautiful men launched by Henan Cultural Tourism not only caused a sensation in tourists in the scenic area, but also caused discussions on the Internet.(Screenshot of Douyin)

In the video, you can see some healthy young men who are exposed to the upper body and stand in the water or ice and snow in the scenic area.They will also interact with tourists and take photos.Some netizens joked: This is not attracting tourists, but seduce tourists.

This is not the most exaggerated move.Daily Economic News and Poster News reported that the Luoyang Cultural Tourism Bureau of Henan arranged at the high -speed rail station with a height of 1.8.Feelings.

Not only that, they also prepared artificial diamonds for tourists, the largest one of them is one carat.It is reported that tourists only need to answer a few questions about Luoyang, or they can receive poetry with the host on the spot.

Henan Cultural Tourism posted a video of answering diamond activities at the Luoyang Longmen High -speed Railway Station on Douyin.(Screenshot of Douyin)

This proud behavior in Henan is not purely for traffic.China News Weekly reports that data shows that the annual capacity of Chinese artificial diamonds accounted for more than 50%of the world's, while more than 90%of Chinese artificial diamond production capacity is in Henan.

Henan can do so, not only with tourism, but also introduce local advantageous industries to the outside world.

Cultural tourism in various places is unwilling to show weakness

Seeing that the Henan Cultural Tourism Bureau made its best, the Cultural and Tourism Bureau across China was unwilling to show weakness.

For example, some netizens suggested that the official account of the Douyin of the Hebei Cultural Tourism Bureau was renamed by Hebei Tourism, otherwise it would not be found.Subsequently, the official account quickly applied for renamed Hebei Cultural Tourism and output a wave of content.

According to the Huaxia Times and, Hebei Cultural Tourism issued 72 publicity videos on January 12. By the early morning of January 13, it announced the completion of 75 tasks on the day., Not the upper limit of Hebei Cultural Tourism!

On January 15, Hebei Cultural Tourism released a video.In the video, a beautiful woman in the Warring States Power rowed in the snow to drink alcohol, and the text was: who could defeat the eight -piece abdominal muscles, only a woman who was more handsome than a man.Some netizens said that this is obviously to compete with the beautiful men in Henan.

According to Xiaoxiang Morning News, Peng Zhenhua, director of the Cultural Tourism, Television and Sports Bureau of Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan, and Zhangjiajie's charm of Xiangxi, also evolved on the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park on January 15th, and jumped the subject three at the same time.Subject three is currently popular online songs.

Peng Zhenhua (middle) of the Cultural Tourism, Television and Sports Bureau of Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, and Zhangjiajie's charm of Zhangjiajie's charm of Xiangxi, transformed into Maodus, jumped the subject three, and the hot circles recruited guests.Mouth -Mouth is one of the ancient performing arts that have been circulating to this day.(Screenshot of Zhangjiajie on Weibo)

Visitors on the scene said: Sick guests for Zhangjiajie, so hard!The report quoted Peng Zhenhua that Jiu Xiang was also afraid of deep alleys, and tourism marketing must have the spirit of whose spirit.

At the same time, the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of various places also uses celebrity resources: Chongqing Cultural Tourism released a video of Chongqing introduced Chongqing on January 14th, and another popular idol Wang Yibo also recorded a promotional video to promote Henan in his hometown, Zhejiang Cultural Tourism forwardedZhou Xun, a well -known actor filmed by Cultural Tourism, settled.

Sun Xiaorong, an expert member of the China Tourism Reform Development Consulting Committee, told China News Weekly that there has never been such a national linkage in the history of China's tourism development.

He said that because of the popularity of Harbin, there was finally a common topic between provinces to launch a grand traffic battle, which promoted the regional linkage that was difficult to interact with the past.The output and cycle also realize interactive interaction in the customer source market.

Harbin has recently been on the Internet and attracted many tourists to visit local.The picture shows a woman wearing a theme clothing, standing in front of the Harbin landmark St. Sophia on January 5th.(Reuters)

Harbin, Northeast China, suddenly became one of the hottest tourist destinations at the end of last year.According to the big data provided by the Harbin Cultural Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, three days of the New Year's Day holiday, Harbin received a total of 30.479 million tourists, and achieved a total tourism revenue of 5.914 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, 1.12 billion yuan).Heilongjiang Daily reported that the total number of tourists in Harbin and the total tourism revenue reached historical peak.

Looking at many media reports in China, the reason why Harbin can become popular is in addition to actively facing tourist complaints with the official response and sincerity, but also related to various local fancy living pet tourists, including citizens' self -organized private car teamsThe streets are free to pick up tourists, and the streets are a warm post station for the southern tourists who are afraid of cold.There are also opinions that Harbin's popularity is inseparable from the power of self -media communication.

At present, Harbin's tourism popularity is still continuing, and the outside world is expected to continue at least until the Spring Festival holiday.

China Tourism Fever

Since China has canceled the strict epidemic prevention policy at the end of 2022, the tourism fever has set off throughout the country. First, Zibo, an old -fashioned industrial city in Shandong, was sought after by barbecue, followed by the super explosion of Yin Village, Rongjiang County, Guizhou.Later, Tianjin once became popular due to the video of diving uncle, which successively drove the local tourism industry.

According to the Voice of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Voice of WeChat Public Cultural Tourism on January 1st data shows that three days during the New Year's Day holiday in 2024, China Tourism Traveling was 135 million, an increase of 155.3%year -on -year, and an increase of 9.4%from the same period before the epidemic.; Realizing domestic tourism revenue of 79.73 billion yuan, an increase of 200.7%year -on -year, an increase of 5.6%over the same period in 2019.

The data also showed that two days before the holiday, the travel rate of residents in rural areas in China reached 4.2%, accounting for 20%of the number of tourists in the same period, and it was a new high since the New Year's Day holiday monitoring records.

China has a strong domestic tourism recovery during the New Year's Day holiday this year, and the number of travel travel has increased by 155%year -on -year.The picture shows a child playing ice slide in the big world of Harbin.(Reuters)

According to the data center of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism, eight days during the Mid -Autumn Festival and National Day holidays last year, the number of domestic tourists was 826 million people, according to the comparable mouthThe diameter increased by 71.3%year -on -year, an increase of 4.1%by the comparable caliber compared to the pre -epidemic in 2019; the domestic tourism revenue was 753.43 billion yuan, an increase of 129.5%year -on -year by comparable caliber, and an increase of 1.5%by the comparable caliber compared with 2019.

China's economic recovery is weak, the real estate market has a depression, the growth rate of investment has also slowed down, people's willingness to consume is low, local debt is high, and the tourism industry that exceeds expected rebate is one of the few highlights of the current Chinese economy.

Lin Huanjie, president of the China Theme Park Research Institute last December, said that the recovery of China's domestic tourism industry is significantly better than market expectations.However, he believes that this is mainly driven by the rebound of the three -year epidemic policy, and it is difficult to maintain this growth until next year.

This may explain why cultural tourism in various places is crazy, and it is constantly sacrificing strange tricks to attract tourists.

However, some netizens have found problems, such as the content of the content released by the Cultural Travel Number, regardless of quality.Is it posing almost every hour? Are you sure you can leave the memory point?

Yang Yanfeng, director of the Beijing United University Online Tourism Research Center, analyzes Nowadays, there are not many highlights of consumption. Tourism is one of them.

Yang Yanfeng said that this kind of pressure was transmitted by the superior department to the cultural tourism departments at all levels, so everyone was rolling up marketing and rolling Douyin.Under the current administrative management methods and relatively rigid assessment mechanisms, the phenomenon of lighting effects and focusing on quantitative accumulation is unavoidable.This has caused a lot of waste of marketing funds and created a lot of invalid redundant information.

In general, opportunities will always be accompanied by challenges. Facing consumers who use feet, if cultural tourism in various places does not practice internal skills, just blindly launch a variety of whistle propaganda because of the jealousy.In the end, it will only be ridiculed and abandoned by the market and consumers.

No matter what ways are used to grasp the attention of tourists, the tourism market is finally fighting for products and services.Look at the current Harbin, and then look at the previous Zibo, you know a little.