(Manila Comprehensive News) The Philippines will patrol with Australia in the same waters after the United States' joint maritime and air patrols in the South China Sea.

Manila Times reported that the United States and Australia's joint maritime patrols are tentatively scheduled to be launched from November 25th to 27th, and the scope will cover the waters near Balawwan to Ayunjin Reef (China known as Renai Reef).However, the Philippine Armed Forces have not yet provided information about the deployment of joint patrols.

The Philippine Armed Forces disclosed as early as September this year that at least six countries were willing to arrange joint patrols with the Filipino in the Western Philippines Sea.In addition to Australia and the United States, Japan, Germany, Canada and France also intend to join the joint patrol.

The Philippines and the United States began a three -day joint sea and air patrol in the South China Sea this Tuesday (November 21).在南中国海局势升温之际,菲律宾接连和美国及Australia launched a joint patrol, which attracted attention.These patrols may irritate China. China has warned the Philippines not to jointly carry out activities with the United States, saying that these activities may exacerbate regional tensions.

Xinhua News Agency reported on Thursday (23rd) that Tian Junli, a spokesman for the Southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, delivered a conversation on the United States and Philippine's joint cruise that day, saying that the Philippines attracted outside domain forces to "disturb the situation in the South China Sea, and speculate on the hype, destroy the destructionRegional peace and stability "violates the spirit of the behavior of all parties in the South China Sea.He emphasized that the theater troops will maintain high vigilance, resolutely defend national sovereign security and marine rights, and safeguard the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

However, Aquella, a spokesman for the Philippine Armed Forces, emphasized that the Philippine joint patrol was not to exacerbate the tension with China."All our actions and intentions are in line with international law and the Convention."

Philippine President President President President President President President Social Media Platform X announced that Philippines launched a joint patrol: "This major measures prove that we are committed to strengthening our army's interaction between maritime and air patrols."

It is reported that during this three-day joint patrol, the Philippines deployed three naval ships, two FA-50 light fighters, and an A-29B light attack aircraft.And a P9-A maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft.

According to the Philippine daily reporters, a missile frigates of the Chinese Navy and a reconnaissance aircraft surveillance in the South China Sea monitoring the Philippines' joint maritime patrol on Thursday.Although there was no fierce interaction between the two sides, it is reported that the distance between the Chinese frigates and the US battleship was only 9.26 kilometers.