Ray Dalio, founder of the world's largest hedge fund bridge water, said that although he did not think that China and the United States were about to erupt, the relationship between the two countries was "on the edge of the red line."

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Dalio made the above statement on Tuesday (October 3) at the Greenwich Economic Forum.Taking Taiwan's issues, chip wars, and geopolitics as an example, he said that there are unable to reconcile differences between the two largest economies in the world. US -China relations are on the edge of the red line in many fields.

Da Lyo believes that the United States and China are unlikely to outbreak of war, because neither country does not want to war, and everyone is worried that the war will bring devastating blows to the economy and politics."These issues will continue to exist and may increase in the next five to 10 years."

Dalio also hinted that the Taiwan issue is a centrally inseparable and contradictory center.He said that once the United States announced its support for "Taiwan's independence," China and the United States would burst out of war because it was equivalent to declared war.And there are currently many political issues in the United States, and many forces in Congress are also likely to continue in Taiwan.

He also described that the United States currently restricts export chips to China, similar to the oil ban implemented by the United States on Japan before the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941.He believes that the reason why the United States and Japan started in World War II was that the United States cut off Japan's oil supply. "The current situation is very similar, and the chip is like oil that year."