The US Treasury Ministry of Finance included 14 individuals and 14 entities in China and Canada on Tuesday (October 3), saying that they were suspected of participating in large -scale production and sale of Fentney in the United States.

According to Bloomberg, the Ministry of Finance frozen assets held by the sanctions and prohibited Americans from trading with them.

Wally Adeyemo, deputy Minister of Finance, said that the Ministry of Finance will also trace friends and family members who may benefit from the sales of fentanyo drug sales.

Adegemo said in writing in writing in advance: "If you benefit from this illegal activity, we will investigate your assets."

The Wall Street Journal of the United States has quoted people familiar with the matter on July 25. U.S. Secretary of State Broskyu proposed to set up a new working group with China at a meeting in June, trying to restart the strike Fen Tai, who was in a deadlock.Consultation.However, Chinese officials adhere to the consistent position, that is, the United States must first terminate sanctions on Chinese police verification agencies to restart the work of Sino -US joint drugs.

It is reported that it is the top priority to prevent fentanyl from flowing into the United States.U.S. officials believe that China plays a key role in preventing fentinis from flowing into the United States.