China and the United States have the views of the relationship between the two countries. There are opposite narratives. China believes that the United States cannot accept the rise of China and seek to restrict China's development; the United States has concerns about changes in China's political, economic and foreign policies.The two sides cannot obtain consensus on the status quo of the relationship between the two countries and how to deal with the current issues, so the starting point of the discussion is very difficult.

Paul Haenle, the honorary director of Morris Greenberg, China, on Tuesday (October 3) at the Yasidan Round Table Conference at the Easov Isa East South Asian Research Institute.As an example, the U.S. Two Rail Dialogue is an example to explain the current Dueling Narrates of China and the United States.Han Lei is also the former director of Chinese affairs of the National Security Council.

He pointed out that there are differences in the description of the current status of the relationship between the two countries and the causes of deterioration of relations between the two countries.China believes that the United States has been a leading country for decades, so it cannot accept the rise of China, and it is purely trying to restrict or block China's continued rise and development.

China seen by the United States is a country that has changed significantly and is often worrying, especially the past 10 years after the current leader took office.The United States and many Western countries have welcomed China to integrate into the world over the past few decades, and these countries are now re -thinking about the opportunities and challenges brought by China.

Han Lei said: "The starting point of the discussion between China and the United States is very difficult, because the two parties cannot reach consensus on what happened and how to deal with these issues."

Scholars participating in the forums of the same field are also Zhu Feng, dean of Nanjing University School of International Relations, and Liao Zhenyang, dean of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences of Nanyang University of Technology.

Zhu Feng: No one can change China's road

Zhu Feng believes that the United States still maintains the status of the world's largest country. No matter how global power is re -assigned, the world is generally at a single moment, and the United States is largely hegemonic forces.

Zhu Feng pointed out that the gap between China and the United States is still very large, and it is difficult to shrink in the next decades; when the world's largest country "changes its face", it not only hurts China, but also brings unprecedented strategic challenges to China.

China's policy and political environment is currently discussed by the outside world.Zhu Feng said that no one can sway on a road, as is China, but "no one can change China's road, and China and the outside world make deeper and wider historical choices."

Zhu Feng emphasized that China will not fall into the historical trap, it will not become the Soviet Union under Stalin, will not become a copy of Japanese imperialism, and will not become Russia under Putin. China will not repeat the Mao Zedong period.Historical choices.

As for China's next development path, Zhu Feng believes that China should refer to the Singapore model and promote pragmatic politics, because China is still on the way, but cannot fall down, but continue to move forward.

The geopolitical game of China and the United States in Southeast Asia continued to trigger regional countries' concerns about the "selection station" between major powers.Liao Zhenyang reminded that when thinking about the relationship with any big country, the Ya'an country should consider functionality and correlation, rather than strategic choice or strategic positioning.

Over the past two years, there are regional mechanisms such as the US -Japan -India -Australian Safety Dialogue (QUAD) and Australian Britain, Britain and the United States, and other regional mechanisms (AUKUS) and other regional mechanisms may weaken the core position of Asia.Liao Zhenyang believes that even if the Asianan protest or does not accept it, it is impossible to change the facts of the existence of these regional mechanisms. Regardless of the regional mechanism led by the great power, the Asianan should do a way to find cooperation with these mechanisms.