In response to the recent depreciation of the exchange rate of the US dollar on the US dollar, the People's Bank of China responded that the RMB exchange rate for the US dollar is very important, but it is not the whole of the RMB exchange rate.Essence

According to the China News Agency, Zou Lan, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, made the above statements at the routine briefing meeting of the State Council of the State Council of China.

Zou Lan said that trade and investment are multilateral, involving multiple countries and a variety of currencies. Therefore, the changes in the one -basket currency can more comprehensively reflect the impact of exchange rates on trade investment and international income and expenditure.

Zou Lan introduced that since mid -July, thanks to the steady rise of the Chinese economy, the yuan has risen steadily on a basket of currencies, affected by the strong US dollar index, and the bilateral exchange rate of the US dollar has degraded the bilateral exchange rate of the US dollar.It has maintained a relatively strong non -US dollar currency.

Zou Lan emphasized that with China's stable economy and the promotion of the expected policies, the RMB exchange rate has a solid foundation at a reasonable and balanced level.At the same time, in the process of responding to multiple rounds of external impacts, the People's Bank of China and the State Foreign Exchange Bureau have also accumulated rich experience in response, have sufficient policy tool reserves, and have the ability, confidence, and conditions to maintain the smooth operation of the foreign exchange market.

He also said that the next step in China will go to maintain the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level, to resolutely correct unilateral and smooth -cycle behavior, resolutely deal with the disruption of market order, resolutely resolutePrevent exchange rate super -adjustment risk.