People familiar with the matter revealed that the Chinese House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee plans to meet with the semiconductor industry groups to call on US semiconductor companies to reduce investment in the Chinese chip industry.

Reuters quoted people familiar with the matter and said that Garratle, Chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee, plans to meet with the US Semiconductor Association on Tuesday (September 19).However, due to the schedule conflict, the meeting will be postponed.

Members of the US Semiconductor Association, including Nvidia (NVIDIA), Intel and other semiconductor leading enterprises. These companies have the venture capital department responsible for investing in Chinese science and enterprises, but their business in the Chinese market has been subject to US export control.Influence.

A person familiar with the matter said that Gragell will tell these companies that he believes that the United States will introduce the provisions that the United States will prohibit the sale of advanced artificial intelligent chips to China last October.In the control range.Garrat also plans to discuss the number of equipment for exporting semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China.

It is reported that the investment of the United States for Chinese chip companies will also be one of the issues of discussion.People familiar with the matter said that Garrat would propose his concerns: when China has increased its efforts to produce mature process chips used in cars, washing machines and other daily products, one day China may dump such chips into the US market and make the United States manufactured in the United States.Merchants are out of the mature process market.