Following the Bali Island in November last year, the most likely opportunities for the first China -US dollar to meet this year was the November Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit.At present, there are less than two months before the APEC Summit, and two rounds of "frank" and "constructive" discussions within three days of the high -level high -level two sides have been conducted. China also uses "strategic communication" to describe Wang Yi and Shalin's last weekend last weekend.meeting.

Which are the prominent issues that need to "communicate" most from the present to the head of state?

1) How to view Sino -US relations and the rise of China

There are huge differences in how to define each other's relationships and how to view China's development and rise.In May last year, Brinkon's speech at the University of George Washington defined China as "the most severe long -term challenge in international order."China has clearly opposed the definition of the United States, and calls on the United States to treat and handle Sino -US relations with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.

When Wang Yi met with Shalvin, it was impossible to block China's development. He also defended China's development right and emphasized that "the right to develop the Chinese people cannot be deprived."When Han Zheng and Brinken met, "China's development is an opportunity to the United States, not a challenge, a gain, not a risk."

In other words, China believes that the United States should abandon and curb the development of China, and should regard China's development as an opportunity.The United States believes that Sino -US relations are long -term competitions. The United States must ensure that it has been in the upper hand and can shape the next development.

2) The next step and real intention of the two parties in the Taiwan Strait

The upcoming election in Taiwan next year will add uncertainty to the situation in the Taiwan Strait.The China Global Times quoted senior officials of the Chinese Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which participated in Shalvin and Wang Yi on weekends, saying that the talks time between the two sides exceeded 12 hours and the longest discussion time was Taiwan. It reflects that the issue of Taiwan is the top priority of China -US talks.

Analysis of the interviewed scholars on the joint morning newspapers that Beijing will continue to pay attention to the core strategic issue of Taiwan and urge the United States to stabilize the basic bottom line on the Taiwan issue;One of the focus, and the activities of Chinese machine ships around the Taiwan Strait are the focus of the United States.

3) How to deal with competition in science and technology, trade, Guoan and other fields

China and the United States are currently continued to confront the fields of science and technology, trade, and national security. After the US President Biden took office, he proposed to set up a "protective bar" to ensure that bilateral relations do not slip.However, China explicitly rejected this concept. At that time, the foreign minister Qin Gang criticized the United States at the press conference of the two conferences this year., But this cannot be done! "

He Zien, assistant professor of the Rajerinan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore, said in an interview that the focus is not on whether the protective bar is set up, but how to understand and define the protective bar.The United States regards the protective bar as a competitive framework, but China emphasizes cooperation and rejects the United States' discussion about Sino -US competitive relations.