The China -Russia head will meet in Beijing in October this year, and the two foreign ministers of the two countries will meet in Moscow on Monday (September 18).Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on China and Russia to continue to strengthen strategic cooperation, but emphasized that the cooperation between the two parties did not target third parties; Russian Foreign Minister Ravorov said that China and Russia's anti -Russia and anti -China operations on the United States were very close to the United States.

Interviewed scholars analyzed that Wang Yi's statement in Moscow showed that China did not seek to form an alliance with Russia to fight the United States; however, he emphasized that the promotion of world order is moving towards multi -polarization, which is intended to target over the United States.

This is the first face -to -face meeting of the Foreign Minister of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office.

According to the news released by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday (19th), Wang Yi evaluated during the meeting that Sino -Russian relations have maintained a healthy and stable development momentum, and pragmatic cooperation has continued to deepen.

He said that in the face of the reverse flow of unilateral behaviors, hegemonism, and camp confrontation, China and Russia should show the responsibility of the great country, fulfill their international obligations, continue to strengthen strategic cooperation, promote the world's polarization process, promote global governance to be fair and reasonable to be fair and reasonable.Development.

However, Wang Yi also emphasized that China and Russia have pursued independent foreign policy. The cooperation between the two parties does not target third parties, is not disturbed by third parties, and will not be around the third party.

Scholars analyzed that Wang Yi pointed out that the third party of Wang Yi was obviously the United States, which was continuously vigilant about the continuous upgrading of China -Russia relations.

Bao Chengke, deputy director of the Shanghai East Asian Institute, interpreted in an interview with the United Zard. Wang Yi's statement shows that Beijing may deepen the bilateral exchanges with Moscow's deepening of economic and trade personnel.

He studied and judged that although China and Russia continued to deepen bilateral cooperation, foreign strategy was still retained in international issues; in some transactions, it aims to fight against the United States over hegemony, and hopes to change the situation of a single and sanctions in the United States to promote the promotionThe world pattern is multi -polarized.

According to a statement issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi announced to Lavrov at the meeting the content of the contents of his national security adviser Shalv on the southern European island country Malta last weekend.The statement also said that the two sides held very close positions on the United States' anti -Russia and anti -China operations in international occasions.

After China participated in the Ukraine Peace Summit held in Saudi Arabia on August 6 this year, China -Russia Foreign Minister also called on each other the next day to reiterate each other's established position.

Bao Chengke judged that in the face of the long time of the Russian and Ukraine War, Wang Yi visited Russia to continue playing the role of Chinese mediationrs. In the meeting with Lavrov, he focused on notifying Russia and Saravin in Ukraine last weekend in Ukraine last weekend.Communication on the problem.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that China -Russia Foreign Ministers talked about Ukraine in detail and pointed out that it was futile to try to solve the crisis without Russia's participation.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Wang Yi stated that China insisted on the direction of peace talks and would play a constructive role in solving the crisis in his own way.

In an interview, Song Wendi, a lecturer in the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, analyzed that after China recently launched some major diplomatic interactions with the United States, it immediately communicated with core partners in Russia in private, intending to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries and enhance mutual trust. At the same time, China will not be released.Stable relationships with the United States, weakening signals that have a relationship with Russia.

On the other hand, INTERFAX reported on Tuesday that Russian President Putin will go to Beijing in October to talk to official Chinese officials.This will be the first visit to Putin to visit the International Criminal Court in March this year.

When the Russian Security Commission Secretary Patrueshev met with Wang Yi on the same day, he said that he was expected to hold a deep bilateral talks in Beijing.Patrueshev, a Putin intimate ally, also said that the Western attempts to curb Russia and China should deepen cooperation between the two major powers.