(Shanghai Comprehensive News) The Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce issued a survey saying that due to the influence of geopolitical tensions and economic slowdown, American companies in China have always reached the highest prospects for business in China in the next few years.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and AFP reported on Tuesday (September 19) that the annual survey report of the Chamber of Commerce showed that 52%of the interviewed companies were at least optimistic about the prospects of China's business in the next five years, which was lower than 2022Three percentage points are also the lowest level since the Chamber of Commerce in 1999.


report pointed out that "concerns about geopolitics, Sino -US relations, and China's poor economic performance constitute a pressure on expectations."

Nearly five -fifths of the respondents said that some existing businesses are considering existing existing businesses out of China in the next few years.The uncertainty of US -China relations is the first reason.

The concerns of the transparency of China's regulatory environment in Huamei also increased. One -third of the respondents believed that the policies and regulations of foreign companies have deteriorated in the past year.However, in the face of decoupling pressure with the Chinese market, two -thirds of the respondents pointed out that the biggest push factor is the US policy, not China's policy.

Since China ’s anti -epidemic prevention measures, the economic rebound has not been realized, causing business confidence to continue to decline.According to the report, only 40%of the company's interviewed companies expect income growth to surpass global growth in the next three to five years.

However, about one -third of the interviewed companies plan to increase investment in China this year, a slight increase from last year.

The Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce said that the Chinese government has recently launched some measures that are conducive to foreign companies, including 24 measures to extend the preferential tax policies of foreigners and increase foreign investment.