British media reported that China's plans against the United States in 2026 to become the Rotating Chairman of the G20 (G20) chairman of the United States in 2026.

The Financial Times Saturday (September 9th) quoted sources reported that Chinese officials expressed their position against the United States as the G20 chairman country through the diplomatic conference of the New Delhi Group Summit.

A source who learned that the G20 summit declaration was drafted in private, saying that Chinese diplomats called for the words of the United States to serve as a rotating chairman in 2026 and delete them from the G20 summit declaration this year, but the West and the West and the WestThe state proposed to objection, and the relevant words eventually appeared in the summit declaration.

According to the New Delhi Summit declaration provided by Xinhua News Agency, the leaders of the 20th Guard of the "Expectation of 2024 in Brazil, 2025 in South Africa in 2025, and re -meeting in the United States in 2026."

officials told the Financial Times that China's position surprised the diplomats of other delegations and highlighted that there were many differences between the two superpowers of China and the United States.An anonymous official said that China's arguments on the United States have nothing to do with the G20.

The Financial Times cannot contact a Chinese spokesman, asking the spokesman to comment on whether China opposes the US as the G20 chairman.

G20 round -value chairman's arrangement generally does not have any disputes.The rotating chairman of the country is responsible for formulating the G20 discussion agenda of the year of the chairman.