The US media quoted sources as reported that Han Zheng, the vice chairman of the Chinese plan, attended the United Nations General Assembly held on the 19th of this month, instead of the Chinese Politburo member and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, who told US officials earlier.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States on Friday (September 8), until late July, Chinese officials informed US officials that Wang Yi would still attend the United Nations General Assembly.U.S. officials revealed that after Wang Yi arrived in the United States, he might go to Washington to discuss in detail about the preparation of Chinese President Xi Jinping to participate in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC).

According to reports, Xi Jinping is expected to attend the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November. China -US diplomats have also launched related work in the past few months to pave the way for Xi Jinping's visit to the United States.Sources said that the final decision has not yet made whether Xi Jinping will attend.

It is reported that Chinese plans to send Han Zheng attended the UN General Assembly, bringing some small problems to the planning procedures related to the APEC summit.As Wang Yi did not attend the UN General Assembly, the outside world paid attention to when Wang Yi visited the United States, so that the two parties may have the opportunity to finalize whether Xi Jinping will attend the APEC summit.

The Wall Street Journal also reported that Wang Yi may still visit the United States and quoted sources that Wang Yi has accepted the invitation of the US government's visit to the United States in principle, and the two sides are trying to arrange Wang Yi to visit the United States.