(Comprehensive News in Kuala Lumpur) The "2023 Edition China Standard Map" published by the Ministry of Natural Resources of China caused South China Sea Sovereignty disputes from all parties to the dissatisfaction and protests, but Malaysia Foreign Minister Zanbili said that Malaysia will not only protest on the new version of China on the upcoming Asiabean Summit and Series Conference.Essence

According to the Malaysian Network Media The Vibes report, Zandry said in an interview with Malaysian reporters in Jakarta: "We will not only ask only one problem. The summit is a platform that allows us to look at international relations from a wider range of perspectives ...We will propose a solution (problem) method through the joint efforts of Asianan and Asiansan's partnerships. "

The Asian Security Summit is scheduled to be held in Jakarta from September 5th to 7th.

The "2023 Edition China Standard Map" released by China last Monday (August 28) showed that the "ten sections" marked in China covered 90 % of the sea in China, and some exclusive economic zones in Southeast Asian countriesoverlapping.

The new map is different from the "Nine -Section Line" map submitted to the United Nations in 2009.It is similar to the Chinese map in 1948.

Former Prime Minister's Deputy Minister Hanba: China advocates no legal basis

The former Vice Minister of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Hanba, who is responsible for legal affairs, wrote in The Vibes on Sunday (September 3) that China's claims have no legal basis at all, so he supports the Malaysian government to refuse to recognize China's claims.

Hanba believes that China's claim completely ignores the provisions of the United Nations Charter on Article 2 of the Nations.Essence

The Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Communications also expressed dissatisfaction earlier.Zanbili had already said earlier that Foreign Ministry will send diplomatic photos to China .

Minister of Transport Lu Zhaofu said last Friday (1st) that the Ministry of Communications firmly maintained the principle of freedom of HNA Bank, and at the same time consistent with the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also refused to accept a new map released by China.

In addition to Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan also expressed dissatisfaction.India protested that the new map of Arunecarta and the Akshesin Plateau in which China -India still had sovereignty was still controversial.