The U.S. government earlier that after the "mandatory assimilation" Tibetan children, after the implementation of visa restrictions on some Chinese officials, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it has adopted visa restrictions on American officials who "have been involved in Tibet for a long time."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin on Thursday (August 31) criticized the United States at a routine press conference to "ignore the facts and build a lie in Tibetan", and impose "illegal" sanctions on Chinese officials, seriously interfere with ChinaInternal affairs, seriously damage the interests of China, and seriously violate the basic criteria of international relations. China has resolutely opposed it and never accept it.

Wang Wenbin said that China will adopt visa restrictions on the United States who "rumor rumors and intervene in Tibet" in this incident in accordance with the law, and urge the United States to respect the facts and change the same way, stop spreading lies in Tibetan lies, Stop using Tibetan issues to interfere in China's internal affairs.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskented on Tuesday (August 22) pointed out that some Chinese officials were suspected of sending 1 million Tibetan children to boarding schools to "compulsory assimilation" and announced that they would implement visa restrictions on these officialsEssence