(Manila News) When the Philippines and China have become more tense due to the dispute between the South China Sea, a group of Philippine members joined the "Transnational Parliament Alliance of China Policy" led by European and American members to discuss the strategy of China in other countries to discuss the strategy of China in China.Essence

Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, just held the third perennial meeting in Prague, Czech Prague from September 1st, and 50 members from 25 countries attended the meeting.The conference includes new members from the Philippines, Kenya and Paraguay.

Ama Tong, co -chairman of the Philippine Council members of the Philippine Council, approved China during the Asian interview: "This big brother has always been targeted at us. They do whatever they want, and there is no consequences. Maybe listen to other countries' speeches and understand them.How to deal with China, we can learn from it, and may be able to formulate policies to protect ourselves. "

However, Matong also emphasized that the Philippine members who joined the alliance should not cause anyone to dissatisfy, because they "do not want to fight against China", but "discussed the topics involving China together."

The China Policy Council Alliance was established on June 4, 2020 by politicians or members of the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, and Sweden.Human rights influence is increasingly threatened.

Philippine scholars: joining the alliance is of great significance

Gill, a lecturer at the University of Dellasa in the Philippines, believes that the Filipino lawmakers joining this alliance are of great significance, because the alliance made suggestions for "responding to China's increasingly reinforcement".However, he also emphasized that this alliance has no right to conclude a constraint agreement and can only provide strategic suggestions, and will these proposals be "largely depends on the relevant state governments."

The Philippines and China have sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea.After the Philippine President President Macos took office, the Philippine Chinese ships have intensified in confrontation in the South China Sea. Manila also frequently released videos and images of the Philippine Chinese ships confrontation, hoping to put pressure on China.

China recently released a new version of the map to strengthen the sovereignty of the South China Sea.The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs subsequently criticized China that there was no international law basis for the legalization of the so -called sovereignty and jurisdiction in the Philippines island reefs and sea areas. "

Magakus changed the policy of former President Duterte's pro -Hua Shumei, and actively repaired relations with the United States, including expanding the 2014 US -Philippine strengthening defense cooperation agreement and opening four more military bases for U.S. military use.Washington has also stated many times that he will support Manila in the South China Sea affairs.