Speaker of the former House of Representatives Pelosi , the United States and China, the world's two largest economies, must be" our common planet "for" our common planets ".Reaching reconciliation, but because of the lack of "common values" in the United States and China, facing obstacles.

Pelosi Thursday (August 31) to the Minister of Commerce Raymond's just ending visits to China and US multinational companies invested in China have made severe assessments.Raymondi visited Beijing and Shanghai from the 27th to 30th, aiming to strengthen the connection between the United States and China.

Perlis, who has long criticized the Chinese government for a long time, said in an interview with Bloomberg TV that the Chinese government "violated almost all trade rules". She also criticized Beijing to treat minority and religious groups in Beijing.As well as acts that help the spread of large -scale lethal weapons.

Pelosi said that she would not be happy because of China's current economic weakness, because it was the people who suffered.However, she said that the US trade deficit with China was "immoral behavior" and criticized the US company to ignore human rights by the Chinese government, and was still willing to do business in China for making money.

Pelosi said: "Money is indeed a very sad factor. Most of the American corporate circles have stated that they do not care about human rights."

Perlis also talks about artificial intelligence (AI)The subject is called "AI is a double -edged sword". It needs to set up regulatory guardrails for the rapidly developing AI field to provide protection for entertainment creative work and other industries.

In addition, Pelosi also reiterated that she will complete the term of two years of membership.It is speculated that she may resign from the position of MPs of San Francisco in advance to serve as the US ambassador.

For questions about whether they will complete the term of members of the members, Pelosi said: "Of course, that's there is no doubt."

One of the female leaders.After recording a Bloomberg TV interview in Venice, she was invited to speak at the DVF awards ceremony.The DVF award is established by Diane Von Fürsenberg, the founder of the American fashion brand DVF, and aims to recognize the contribution of outstanding women in different fields around the world.