According to Wednesday, New York State, USA (August 30)A copy of the former President Trump, he met with the New York State Prosecutor on April 13 and accepted a seven -hour question after oath.

Bloomberg reported that testimonial transcripts showed that Trump's long discussion explained his philosophy of calculating the value and wealth of assets and wealth, saying that the value of his name was at least $ 3 billion (about S $ 4.05 billion).

Trump said: "I think my name is the most valuable trademark in the world."

New York State Prosecutor has accused Trump exaggerating his asset value 8120 millionUS dollars, to $ 2.2 billion per year.This is part of Trump's civil fraud lawsuit in New York State.You can't win this lawsuit, you should give up the prosecution. "

Trump said that if he wants to sell any assets, such as Haihu Manor in Florida or Golf Course in Scotland, the price will be a "astronomical number".(Agence France -Presse)