In response to the external concerns of China's weak economic recovery, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng voted for the US media that China's economic development is better than imagined."engine".

Xie Feng published on Wednesday (August 30) published in the Washington Post, entitled that China's economic development is better than your imagination.Xie Feng stated in the article that the Chinese economy has continued to recover from this year. The GDP has increased by 5.5%in the first half of the year, ranking among the forefront of the world's major economies.Like in the past, the Chinese economy is still the "leader" of the global economy and the most important "engine" to promote global growth.

Xie Feng said that in the first half of this year, consumption recovery is the highlight of China's economy, and the contribution rate to economic growth has reached 77.2%, which is more than 44 percentage points higher than last year;From January to July, high -tech industry investment, scientific research and technical service industry investment increased by 11.5%and 23.1%year -on -year respectively; foreign trade maintained strong toughness, and international enterprises were actively deploying China.Growing 173.3%, 135.3%, 53%, and 14.2%.

Xie Feng said that China's middle -income groups have more than 400 million people. It is expected that more than 800 million people will be upgraded by 2035. There will be continuous upgraded consumption demand, continuous expanding market access, comprehensive optimization, and comprehensive optimizationThe business environment and the mature and complete industrial chain supply chain system, the long -term fundamental fundamentals of China's economy have not changed.

He admits that the economic recovery after the epidemic is a process of wavy development and twists and turns, but China does not avoid these problems and is facing these problems.Recently, China has introduced a series of measures such as restoring and expanding consumption, promoting the development and growth of the private economy, and increasing the efforts of attracting foreign investment. The effectiveness of policies and measures is gradually emerging.He said: "The Chinese government's policy tool box is still sufficient, and we have confidence that there is no systemic risk."

Xie Feng also does not name some people's contributions to the past of China, but hype"Chinese threat theory".He questioned that the Chinese economy is now facing some phased adjustments. "These people have deducted the hat that drags the global economy and rendered the" Chinese collapse theory '. Is this fair? "

Xie Feng said,"The trauma left by the three -year epidemic was not healed. The Ukraine crisis was delayed. The global economic recovery was weak. Every family had a difficult scripture.All countries should be able to help each other without squeezing each other to build a community of human destiny, and one cannot fall.

He said that more and more American friends also realized that the idea of China's economy collapsed and the United States still prosperous is purely a nightmare, and reiterated that the United States should stop implementing high -tech export control and investment in China.Measures such as restrictions, economic sanctions, and high tariffs are stopped, and the parallel system and decourse disconnection chain are stopped in the name of "de -risk", so as not to worsen the global economy.China and the United States should respect each other, live peacefully, and win -win cooperation. This is the only way out and the world's expectations.