Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng (August 29, August 29 (August 2999 (August 2999On the day), the Sino -US conflict confrontation has no winners and the world is unbearable.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng said on a keynote speech on Forbes's 5th US -China Business Forum that the world is intertwined in today's world, the economic recovery momentum is unstable.There is a scripture that is difficult to read.Everyone is on the same boat, and the same way can they be able to cross the difficulties. No one can do it alone, let alone harm others.

Xie Feng emphasized that China and the United States, as the top two economies in the world and the permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, are not peaceful and safe to engage in camp confrontation. Decumbling chain will only be bundled with cocoons.The world is unbearable. Cooperation to deal with global challenges, providing the world with more peaceful dividends and development dividends is the only correct choice.

Xie Feng also said that in the past few years, Sino -US relations have suffered serious difficulties.Recently, China and the United States have carried out a series of high -level exchanges. The two sides agreed to return to the Bali Island agenda and issued signals to strengthen dialogue exchanges and cooperation and promote Sino -US relations to stop falling.

Xie Feng quoted Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that the world needs the overall and stable Sino -US relations, and the broad earth can accommodate the development of China and the United States.It is necessary to seize the opportunity and do each other, use action to eliminate obstacles, control differences, and strengthen dialogue and expand cooperation with sincerity.

Xie Feng said that the way forward to the way with the times and giving full play to the role of compressor stones and pushers that give full play to the role of Sino -US economic and trade relations requires the two parties to strengthen their confidence, eliminate interference, and put them into action.The most valuable confidence comes from the bright prospect of China's open development. The most prominent interference is the realistic risks of the decoustal chain of China and the United States. The most powerful action depends on the union of people of insight.

Xie Feng fell his left arm during a event last month. According to photos released by the Chinese Embassy's website on Tuesday, Xie Feng has now healed and did not have a gypsum hanging zone.

Xie Feng fell on the Aspert Safety Forum on July 19, and did not show up for nearly a month.On August 11, he posted a photo of a meeting with American science and technology scholars on August 11 that his injured left arm still had to be plaster and used a fixed suspender.