(Shanghai Comprehensive News) U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond Duo on Wednesday (August 30) summarized a four -day trip to China that she did not expect to make breakthrough progress in the first visit to China, but hoped that in the next few monthsCan see some achievements.She also emphasized that American companies are interested in business in China, but they need a predictable regulatory environment.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Raymond Duo Tuesday (August 29) told the media on the high -speed rail to Shanghai that more and more American companies complained to her, as the regulatory risk is getting bigger and bigger, China is Zheng Zhengzheng, China is Zheng ZhengzhengUNINVESTIBLE is becoming more and more.

She pointed out that the "new challenges" faced by American companies, including huge fines without any explanations, anti -spy laws with unclear revisions, and assault search for enterprises.It is reported that this is one of Raymond's most straightforward criticism.

Raymond multi -Wednesday morning with Chen Jining, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, also proposed that he hopes that the two parties can work together and achieve the specific ways of business goals.And a fair competitive environment.

According to the surging news report, Chen Jining emphasized in the meeting that economic and trade relations are the cockpit stones of Sino -US relations. Shanghai will continue to deepen high levels of openness to the public, and make every effort to create a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization. WelcomeU.S. -funded enterprises have strengthened their investment in Shanghai and achieved greater development in win -win cooperation.

Raymond also reiterated this view at a press conference before leaving China that day.She proposed that American companies "have business to do, and have business to do", but they need a predictable regulatory environment and emphasize that the United States does not want to decide with China.

Raymond Duo: The establishment of a regular communication mechanism is the biggest achievement of this trip

Raymond Duo said that the biggest achievement of her trip to China is that she has established a regular communication mechanism with China.She said frankly that she would not expect any breakthroughs in the first meeting with Chinese officials, but she hoped to see some results in the next few months.

She revealed that many difficult problems were raised in the communication with Chinese officials, such as subsidies, non -market guidelines, raid inspections on American companies, intellectual property protection, and even her mailbox was hacked, etc.Emphasizing that "refusal to communicate will not bring any benefits."

Raymond also attended the annual meeting of the female executives of the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, and reiterated in the speech that the US -China government agreed to increase communication and contact, and encouraged the American business community to continue to invest and develop in China.

Raymond also visited the Shanghai Campus of New York University, Shanghai Disneyland and Shanghai Boeing Factory on the same day.