In response to the World Trade Organization, China's countermeasures have taken countermeasures on US steel and aluminum tariffs.Immediately cancel the steel and aluminum measures that violate the WTO rules.

According to the press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday (August 16)The dispute expert group reported the above response in the form of a reporter's question.

The person in charge said that China has noticed the relevant reports and is studying the content of the expert group report, and will do the follow -up work of the case in accordance with the rules of the WTO.

The person in charge said that the root cause of this case lies in the US unilateralism and protectionist actions.China's countermeasures in accordance with the law are a legitimate move to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

The person in charge said that starting in March 2018, the US generalized national security impart tariffs on steel and aluminum products exported by many World Trade, including China.The measures have caused widespread dissatisfaction, and China and many other members will resort to the dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organization.In December 2022, U.S. measures have been ruled by the WTO to violate the rules of the WTO.However, the United States was intentionally intended, obstructing the expert team to take effect, evading the obligations of enforcement, and refusing to cancel the violation of tariff measures.

The person in charge finally said that the Chinese side required the United States to immediately cancel the steel and aluminum measures that violate the rules of the WTO, acting with other WTO members, and jointly maintained a regular multilateral trade system based on rules.

According to Bloomberg, the World Trade Organization said that China ’s countermeasures on Chinese steel and aluminum tariffs on the Trump administration involved US $ 2.4 billion (about S $ 3.3 billion)It violates the basic trade commitment.

In the ruling announced on Wednesday, a group of three World Trade Organization experts agreed with the claim of Washington, that is, China's tariffs decided to violate the so -called most benefited country.Essence

The most beneficial principle of the WTO is that the 164 member states promised to give any third parties to any third party discount and exemption.

The US trade representative Michelle said in a statement that the Bayeng government expressed satisfaction with the above -mentioned ruling, and said that China's behavior showed that the table in Beijing was different.At the same time, countermeasures are taken unilaterally.

China and the United States can appeal in the next 60 days.If Beijing appeals appeals, it will be rejected because the WTO appealed agency has been in an unable to operate since 2019.

This dispute dates back to the beginning of Trump's launch of the trade war. At that time, the US government imposed 25%tariffs on global steel imports and levied 10%tariffs on aluminum imports.

The purpose of this move in the United States is to curb low -cost Chinese steel and aluminum products to lose the United States. Beijing's response is to prosecute the WTO, and to include aluminum waste and fragmented ingredients, pork, fruits, nuts and other categoriesU.S. goods are imposed on tariffs.

The United States later filed counterclaims on China's tariff operation, and claimed that the metal tariffs imposed on the United States were required to protect US national security.