When Yi met with former US Secretary of State Kissinger in Beijing, it was impossible to try to transform China, and it was even impossible for China to contain China.The US policy for the United States requires the diplomatic wisdom of Kindin format and the political courage of Nixon.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi met in Beijing on Wednesday (July 19) in Beijing.Wang Yi said that Kissinger made a historic contribution to the development of Sino -US relations, and played an irreplaceable role in enhancing the mutual understanding of the two countries."China cherishes the friendship established with old friends."

He said that China's policy of maintaining a high degree of continuous US policy is based on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping."These three are fundamental and long -term. It is the correct way to get along with the two major powers of China and the United States."

Wang Yi said that China's development has strong internal vitality and inevitable historical logic. "It is impossible to try to transform China, and it is impossible to contain China. The US policy for the United States requires the diplomatic wisdom of the Kindin format and the political courage of Nixon. "

Wang Yi explained the position of China on the Taiwan issue and reiterated the most fundamental status of a China issue in China.If the United States sincerely hope that the Taiwan Strait is stable, it should be clearly opposed to the "Taiwan independence" with action, and the division of the "Taiwan independence" is clearly drawn.

The two sides also discussed problems such as Ukraine and artificial intelligence.

Kissinger, who visited Beijing, also met with Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Li Shangfu on Tuesday (18th).Kissinger said at the time that the world's challenges and opportunities coexist, and the United States and China should eliminate misunderstandings, coexist peace, and avoid confrontation."History and practice have continuously proved that any party in the United States cannot afford the price of the opponent as an opponent."