(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China was released on Wednesday (July 12). After agreed by the Chinese and American parties, the US Presidential Climate Special Envoy Cry will visit China from July 16th to 19th.Kerry will be the third American senior official to visit China after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Brosky.

The WeChat public account of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the news, saying that the two parties would exchange opinions on the cooperation in the cooperation.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded at a press conference on Wednesday that China and the United States had maintained communication on dialogue between all levels.

Wang Wenbin said that climate change is a global challenge and requires joint efforts to respond. China and the United States have carried out good cooperation in the field of climate change and jointly promoted the Paris Agreement to reach effective.It is hoped that the United States will do with China and create favorable conditions and atmosphere for Sino -US climate cooperation.

The US State Council officials announced on Friday (July 7) that Kerry was about to visit China, saying that Kerry would discuss the possibility of cooperating with China to deal with climate change.

According to Reuters earlier, Kerry said during a meeting in Berlin in May that although Sino -US relations have continued to be tight, he was invited to visit China in the near future to talk about the global climate change crisis.

Kerry pointed out at the time that US President Biden had authorized him to talk to China. The specific meeting time was yet to be determined, and some problems between the two parties still need to be clarified.Coal energy transformation, etc., also mentioned that the United States will provide help in China's methane strategy.

Bloomberg previously quoted analysts that before the UAE's UN Climate Change Conference held in November, Kerry talked to China to lay the foundation for the conference to achieve more progress.

Sino -US senior management has recently interacted frequently. After the US Secretary of State Brillings visited China last month, US Treasury Secretary Yellen last Sunday (July 9) just ended the four -day visit to China.