In order to safeguard national security and interests, the Ministry of Commerce and Customs of the Customs issued an announcement on July 3, deciding that from August 1, 2023, export control two key metals two key metals were implemented.The US government finally responded to this decision.

According to Reuters reported on July 5th local time, a spokesman for the US Department of Commerce stated on the same day that the United States "resolutely opposed" China announced the implementation of export controls for the key metal 镓 and 锗 required for the production of semiconductors and other electronic products, and added supplements to supplementIt is said that the United States will negotiate with allies and partners to solve this problem.

"These actions highlight the necessity of diversified supply chain. The United States will solve this problem with our allies and partners and establish flexibility in the key supply chain."This is expressed in the email statement.

锗, 是, etc. are important raw materials for chip manufacturing. These two metal minerals have a leading position worldwide in both reserves or exports.Reuters also added that it is used in high -speed computer chips, plastic products and military applications, such as night vision equipment and satellite image sensors; 镓 for radar and radio communication equipment, satellites and LEDs.

A report from the 2020 report of the Institute of Mineral Resources of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences shows that the current total reserves of the world ’s crickets are about 230,000 tons, and China's cricket metal reserves ranks first in the world, accounting for about 80%-85%of the world's total reserves.EssenceA statistics released by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2016 show that the global proven reserves reserves are only 8,600 metal tons, of which the United States accounts for 45%of the world, followed by China, accounting for 41%of global reserves.

The South China Morning Post states that China is the largest producer of the two elements of 镓 and 锗. Its 镓 output accounts for more than 95%of the world's, and the output of 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 锗 accounts for more than 67%of the world.According to customs data, in 2022, the largest importing country of Chinese products is Japan, Germany and the Netherlands; the largest importing countries of 锗 products are Japan, France, Germany and the United States.

A Chinese producer revealed that they received a large number of consultations from the United States, Japan and Europe after the introduction of the restrictions, and the product quotation also soared overnight.On the other hand, after the release of export control measures in China, the response of enterprises and governments in some countries and governments is worth noting.

It is reported that AXT, headquartered in California, USA, has production facilities in China. The company issued a statement on the official website on July 3 that the national subsidiary Beijing Tongmei Crystal Technology Co., Ltd. will immediately start applying to apply for a license permitCertificate, to continue exporting from China, 续 续 证 证.The company will announce further details when the second -quarter report conference calls on August 3.

As the main importer of two metals, the Japanese and South Korean governments responded to this, saying that they were seeking countermeasures.The Minister of Economic and Industry Nishimura Kangyu said that the Japanese side did not believe that China was a countermeasure for the export of the Japanese control semiconductor manufacturing equipment in May.The Ministry of Industry of Korea also held an emergency meeting to evaluate the impact of the matter, hoping to negotiate and communicate with China.

At the same time, the Dutch government claims on July 4 that the EU must respond to China's export control.The European Union said earlier on the same day that China hopes that China will implement export control through "clear security considerations".Robert Habeck, deputy prime minister of Germany and Minister of Economic and Climate Protection, claims that any control of lithium and other materials will be "problematic."

Reuters pointed out that China has stated that this move is based on the consideration of protecting national security, but some economic analysts believe that this is China's response to the United States' continuous upgrading and curbing the development and progress of its own technology.On the eve of the US Finance Minister Yellen's visit to China.

It is reported that this marks that in recent years, after the continuous upgrading of trade tariffs, traceability of new crown viruses, network security, spy charges and technical competition, the tension of Sino -US relations "has opened a new page"Essence

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning pointed out on July 4 that China has always been committed to maintaining the safety and stability of the global supply chain and always implementing fair, reasonable, and non -discriminated export control measures.The Chinese government's implementation of export control on relevant items in accordance with the law is an international approach and does not target any specific country.

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, further emphasized on July 5 that the relevant items of 镓 and 锗 have obvious military -civilian dual -use attributes, and export controls on the relevant items of 镓 and 锗 are internationally accepted.EU members also implement export control on some items. The Chinese government implements export control on relevant items in accordance with the law to ensure that it is used for legitimate use and does not target any particular country.

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