The US memory chip manufacturing giant Micron predicts that the company will face the risk of halving the revenue of the Chinese market due to limited sales in China.This is the first time Micron has disclosed the impact that the product has not passed the Chinese network censorship.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Micron was disclosed in the regulatory documents submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday (June 16) that the company's products were limited in China, the headquarters, the headquartersAbout half of the sales of customers from China may be affected by the "restriction order".

Micron said that the current direct sales and distribution channels are added, and the revenue from mainland China and the Hong Kong market accounts for 25%of Micron's total revenue, which also means that the total revenue of the low double -digit percentage of Meiguang also meansIt will be affected.

Micron said that the company will continue to work hard to reduce the impact of China's restriction order, and it is expected that the revenue to fluctuate will increase the month -on -month fluctuations.

China National Internet Information Office reported on the 21st of last month that because Micron did not pass the official network security review of China, its products may constitute risks on national security, so operators of key domestic infrastructure are required to stop buying Micron to buy MicronThe product.

Micron said that the results of this review were still uncertain on the company's impact.Micron added that some customers, including mobile manufacturers, are already in contact with representatives of the Chinese government to discuss the future use of Micron products.

The news that the revenue of Chinese customers may be halved, and Micron's stock price fell rapidly after the opening of the US stock market on Friday, as of the close of the day, a total of 1.69%.

However, Micron still announced on the same day that it plans to invest more than 4.3 billion yuan (RMB, about $ 809 million) in Xi'an, China in the next few years.Micron has decided to acquire the packaging equipment of Licheng Semiconductor (Xi'an) Co., Ltd., and plans to build a new plant in the Meiguang Xi'an plant, and introduce new and high -performance packaging and testing equipment to better meet the needs of Chinese customers.