In response to U.S. officials, the United States hopes to control the competition between China and the United States responsible and cooperates on the issue of interests.According to the state of national interaction, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that the United States should not like to "start from the position" to deal with China.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Friday (June 16) that Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out many times that Sino -US relations should not lose me to win, you have a prosperous me, you are happy to me,Zero -sum game.The two sides should correctly look at each other's internal and external policies and strategic intentions, adhere to mutual respect, live peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation, and find the correct way of getting along with the two major powers. This is not only in line with the interests of the people of the two countries, but also the general expectations of the international community.

He said that the United States regards China as the most important competitors and the most important geographical political challenges, which is a serious misjudgment of China.There are some competition in the fields of China and the United States in the fields of economy, trade, etc., but you cannot engage in the vicious competition of losing me, let alone the guise of competition to curb the facts of targeting, deprive China's right to develop rights. This is not the so -called responsible competition, butIt is a very irresponsible domineering act, which will only push China and the United States to confrontation and push the world to split.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that the United States should not have fantasizing with China to deal with China. China and the United States must develop relationships with each other on the basis of mutual respect and equality.Different on the road, take care of each other's core interests and major concerns.

He also said that the United States always said that China and the United States must carry out dialogue communication, and to install the bottom of the fence for Sino -US relations.Communication must solve the concerns of both parties, have practical effects, solve problems, and cannot communicate while to damage the interests of the other party.

Wang Wenbin said that the Chinese side once again urged the United States to implement the positive statements made by President Biden, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, damage the interests of China, stop curbing to China, go with China, and eliminate obstacles.Create conditions to promote Sino -US relations to gradually return to the stable development track.

On the issue of US Secretary of State Brinkeng's visit to China, the US National Security Council's Indo -Pacific Affairs coordinator Campbell, on Wednesday (June 14), emphasized that the US policy to China is consistent, that is, with ChinaCompetition, but do not seek conflict, confrontation, or "new cold war", but hopes to be responsible for controlling competition.

The Asia -Pacific Affairs of the United States State Department of Asia -Pacific Affairs helped Qing Kangda on the same day that during the visit to China, the United States hoped to conduct a discussion of "frank, direct and constructive" with China.But he did not expect the talks to have the results of "breakthrough or transition" and delivery.