Chinese representative on Thursday (June 8) criticized the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States.A nuclear -free weapon countries and military allies Australia conduct nuclear submarine cooperation involving several tons of high -intensive uranium transfer.

He said that for the well -known geopolitical purpose of the United States, the United States, Britain, and Australia, and to carry out the above -mentioned strategic military cooperation, it has an unprecedented threshold to span the principle of non -diffusion nuclear weapons treaty.The system constitutes a severe challenge to institutional protection supervision mechanisms.

Li Song refers to the "politicalization" and "polarization" of the United States and Britain in the United States and Britain in the United States and Britain and Australia, which is a manifestation of the cold war thinking and camp confrontation.The U.S., Britain, and Australia attempts to pack the Three Kingdoms nuclear submarines into a routine guarantee supervision problem between a nuclear weapon -free weapon state and institutional secretariat, and requires the quoting Article 14 of the comprehensive guarantee supervision agreement to make exemption arrangements.The coercion of the Secretariat endorsed this cooperation.

Li Song criticized that the United States and Britain and Australia claimed that they would formulate related arrangements with the Secretariat of the Institution, so as to form a precedent for the future of the country to seek "naval power stack". "The opportunity to express opinions? "

He questioned the three countries and Australia:" In the past, when you set rules for others, they emphasized the "intergovernmental process" led by member states.The rules, and then to force such rules to other member states, they are reluctant to be reluctant to the intergovernmental processes that should be generally involved in all parties.The United States, Britain, and Australia responded to the concerns of the international community with practical actions, faithfully fulfilled the obligations of nuclear non -diffusion, and maintained frank and transparent communication with other parties on equality and mutual respect.

The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia established a three -sided security partnership (Aukus) in September 2021.According to the agreement, the United States and Britain will support the Australian Navy to establish nuclear submarine forces. Australia will cooperate with the United States and Britain to build nuclear submarines in Australia.China has expressed serious concerns and resolutely opposed.