Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng (June 7, June 7 7On the day, when he was invited to attend the welcome event held by the US -China Trade National Committee and delivered a keynote speech for its newly held, he emphasized that if "de -risk" is used as "decoupled" to cover it, it will lay more nails for relations between the two countries.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng said that recently the United States said that he did not seek "decoupled" with China, but also proposed "risk".The Chinese people feel that there is no difference between the two.What is risk?Where is the risk?How to risk?They are worried that this will be "decoupled" in the name of "de -risk".

He said that there is a line of inscriptions at the entrance of the Library of the US Department of Commerce "to promote peace and business with everyone."The United States has vigorously promoted globalization, market economy and free trade, and requires other countries to open the door and integrate into the global economy. Why do you now have to go back and closes the door to set up restrictions?

Xie Feng said that each country attaches importance to national security, but it cannot be generalized, and it cannot be used as an excuse to promote protectionism and curb opponents.If national security is used as a hammer, then everything is like a nail.The security of a country cannot be based on the unsafe other countries, and the stability of the industrial chain of a country cannot be based on the unstable global industrial chain.

He said that the United States has included more than 1,300 Chinese entities in various control and sanctions list, and measures such as tariffs, export controls, and investment review have been introduced.Can scientific and technological warfare make the United States more safer?Is it really in line with the interests of the United States?

Xie Feng pointed out that the two countries should respect each other, live peacefully, win -win cooperation, and explore the correct way to get along with China and the United States in the new period.

He said that the current world is intertwined, Sino -US relations are facing severe challenges. Is it a way to stop falling and stabilize, find the right way to get along, or the spiral decline, and fall into conflict confrontation.crossroads."For two weeks of performance, I have been in a non -stop, and I have been exposed to people from all walks of life. I heard that the most concerns are that China and the United States have fallen into conflict confrontation. The biggest desire is that Sino -US relations have stopped falling and stabilized. The world must be better."

Xie Feng said that the United States should respect the development path, political system and development rights chosen by the Chinese people, and respect the core interests and major concerns of the Chinese side to ensure that Sino -US relations move forward correctly.Conflict, non -confrontation, no new cold war.

He pointed out that the priority is to effectively control the biggest risk point of Taiwan.No one wants to solve the Taiwan problem peacefully than China, and is reluctant to see that the Taiwan Strait will be chaotic. It is not the Chinese side that it is not deduced by the soldiers. It is not the Chinese side that changes the status quo.

He said that Taiwan's official "leaning on the beauty" and some people in the United States have no noise to "control the Taiwan" is the biggest threat to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.Now the most fundamental thing is to adhere to a China principle without discounting. The most important thing is to adhere to the three joint communiqués of China and the United States with action. The most urgent thing is to oppose the adventure of "Taiwan independence" adventure.

Xie Feng mentioned that the gate of China ’s dialogue is always open, and the key is to do a good job of management.

He said, while putting the other party on the sanction list, he asked for dialogue and cooperation, which was unacceptable.Talking for dialogue, talking, and doing home, not only cannot solve the problem, but also countermeasures.High -level exchanges should be in particular to do a good job of management, create a good atmosphere before the conversation, accumulate positive results in the conversation, and promote the implementation after the conversation.

Xie Feng finally said that the environment is good, so that everyone can get rich; the relationship between China and the United States has deteriorated, and the industrial and commercial circles are the first.China and the United States are all stakeholders. They cannot be used as a wall view. They should be dedicated, contributed, vocalized, conserved common interests, safeguarded the principles of free trade, open market principles, and maintained the global industrial chain supply chain stability.

He hopes that everyone will adhere to the rational and pragmatic attitude, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China, clearly oppose the politicization of economic issues, promote the resolution of increasing Sino -U.S.Sino -US relations inject more positive factors to benefit the people of the two countries.