U.S. Secretary of State Brillings on Tuesday (June 6) reported that it will be restarted to China in the next few weeks. The White House and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China have successively stated that although it has not been confirmed or denied.The Chinese scholars interviewed were evaluated that Brintken's visit to China in February this year was delayed due to the balloon incident. The resumption of visiting China would mean that the balloon incident was completely turned over, and it also showed that China and the United States intended to continue to strengthen communication dialogue to cool down the tension between the two countries.

Several American media quoted the unknown US officials on Tuesday that Brinken's "next few weeks" will restart the original visit to Beijing in February this year. During the period, it will talk to senior officials in China and may meet with Chinese officials.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe did not deny the news of Brinken's restarting visit at the briefing on Tuesday, local time, but only said that the media will soon "see us about future visits.I just don't want to discuss it in advance. "

Patt, a US State Department spokesman, responded on the same day that "no itinerary needs to be announced" and "in the case of conditions permit, it will re -arrange (Brinken) visits to China."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin only said at a routine press conference on Wednesday that "there is no message to be provided."

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) described Brinken this trip to be an interview with "major". It is expected that the two parties will focus on Taiwan's issues, the restrictions on the United States to China, and human rights.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Brinken's visit to China shows that Sino -US tensions have cool down to a certain extent.Essence

But Zhu Feng also pointed out that this does not mean that the relationship between the two parties has achieved real cooling because the US President Biden is currently just adjusting his posture and seeking to strengthen dialogue and communication with China.Transformation.

Wang Yong, director of the International Political and Economic Research Center of Peking University, evaluated in an interview that Brinken's visit to China has a "strong political symbolic meaning", mainly "further touching the bottom of China, especially on the issue of Taiwan.How to solve the problem. "He believes that Brinken may also be paved to the two heads of state.

Campbell: The communication channel with China "is opening"

On the other hand, Campbell, a coordinator of Indo -Pacific Affairs of the National Security Council, emphasized at the event held at the Hudson Institute of the US Think Tank on Tuesday that it is very important to maintain "appropriate diplomacy" in China.

Campbell also reminded that although the communication channels with China are "opening", as the Chinese army's activities in the United States increased, the possibility of misjudgment on military operations was "existing and rising".Essence

Zhu Feng pointed out that the Bayeng government has been on power for two and a half years. At present, the situation in China and the United States and the international situation are severe and sharp.Extend. "

He analyzed that Sino -US relations are currently presenting complexity, diversity, and uncertainty. To a large extent, the United States continues to lock China as the maximum strategic opponent desperately."In this case, uncertainty does rise significantly."

In response to the phenomenon of tight military relations, non -military relations and slowing military relations in China and the United States, Wang Yong pointed out that the new mode of communication in the two countries has recently appeared because the current competition between the two sides remains unchanged, but there is still willing to prevent the gun from getting angry, especiallyIt is in the Taiwan issue and other aspects.

Wang Yong analyzed that the Bayeng government chose to open two fronts to fight against China and Russia at the same time. However, due to the long -term expansion of Russian and Ukraine's conflict, the United States is bound to be involved in European affairs.He believes that the recent adjustment of the United States' adjustment with China is more based on international strategic considerations. If you want to control the crisis, we will have a comprehensive blockade against China in the past to "make a certain compromise."

Wang Yong also studied that the current interactive model of China and the United States is "very dangerous."He expects that the relationship between the two sides may still be in a transition period, and the PLA may continue to be offshore in China in the future to fight back on the US military in a strong way until China believes that the United States has abandoned the core interests of China.