The President of the United States Association (AIT), who is visiting Taiwan, met with the mayor of New Taipei Hou Youyi on Wednesday (June 7).Hou Youyi was the first Taiwan candidate to meet in Taiwan.

According to the Taiwan United Daily, Rosenberg went to the New Taipei City Government in a low -key afternoon to meet with Hou Youyi.

Reported sources said that the two sides have in -depth exchanges on cross -strait issues and Taiwan -US relations.Hou Youyi expressed his willingness to visit the United States during the meeting and will be connected through the Kuomintang Central Committee and other units. He hopes to visit U.S. politicians, parliamentarians, think tanks and overseas Chinese groups.

The China Times also reported that Rosen Berg also invited Hou Youyi to visit the United States to deepen each other.

The pro -Hou people believe that Hou Youyi meets Rosenberg to enhance his interaction and exchanges with the United States, and says that Hou Youyi is a leader of rich administrative experience.The Taiwan Strait is peaceful, keeping the promises, and the consistent positions on both sides of the strait.

Hou Youyi personally accompanied Rosen Berg and took a train to Pingxi to put on the sky lanterns.

Rosenberg arrived in Taiwan on Monday (5th), and had met with Tsai Ing -wen and Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun.She will also meet with Lai Qingde, Vice President of Taiwan, the President of the DPP, and Ke Wenzhe, Chairman of the People's Party and Presidential Candidate.

Rosenberg also went to the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday morning to conduct unfair talks with the Legislative Dean You Xizheng, Secretary -General Lin Zhijia, and representatives of various party groups.

The Legislative Yuan is very low -key about Rosenberg. In addition to not notifying and disclosure, it also "seal the command" to the legislators, emphasizing that the Legislative Council window is uniformly stated.The party members of each party were adapted by the DPP legislators, the general call of the Kuomintang group, Zeng Mingzong, Wu Xinying, the party legislator of the people, and Qiu Xianzhi, the power legislator Qiu Xianzhi.

Cai Yiyi said that Rosenberg said in the meeting that the U.S. government stated that in the future, no matter who Taiwan is in power, it will continue to support the Taiwan government.

The report quoted the conversion content, and Zeng Mingzong told Rosenberg that when the former president Ma Ying -jeou was in power, the cross -strait was able to communicate and peaceful.Senberg said with a smile that different opinions exchanges were democratic and displayed.