Campbell, a coordinator of the White House India -Pacific Affairs, believes that the United States and China are still in the early stages.

According to Bloomberg News on Thursday (June 8), Kurt Campbell said at the event hosted by the US Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS).Guo Gang began to re -start diplomatic exchanges, but was not sure if there was a reconciliation direction.

Campbell said: "From the perspective of dialogue and diplomacy, the re -contact process of this round is still in the early stage." The United States believes that competition will still be the leading framework of relations between the two countries.

He also said that the United States plans to carry out constructive diplomacy with China and hopes to coordinate global issues such as climate change, and competition will still be the focus.

Campbell emphasized that at the same time, the United States hopes that such competitions can be maintained in the Responsible Bounds to avoid falling into a confrontation situation."We believe that it is necessary to establish a dialogue and discussion mechanism to deal with accidents during the operation of warships or planes, or lack of coordination."Lincoln has re -arranged a trip to China and visited Beijing in the next few weeks. At that time, he may meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.British Financial Times reported on Wednesday (7th) that Brins will visit China this month.