US ambassador to China Burns said, China is right to China to the US ambassador to China, China is right to China to the US ambassador to China, China is right against China to the US ambassador to China, and China is right to China to the United States.The actions of American companies are due to political motivation and unfairness, and Washington will fight back.

According to Reuters, the Chinese government has improved the review of several US companies in recent months, including Meiguang Technology, a US memory chip manufacturer.The China Internet Information Office said last month that after review, it was found that Micron's sales products in China had serious cyber security risks. It was not given a network security censorship, and operators of key information infrastructure in China should stop purchasing Micron's products.

It is reported that commercial group warning should prevent China from raising the restrictions on departure to foreigners. China's newly revised anti -spy method content is prohibited from the transfer of national security information.definition.

Bernus said on Wednesday (June 7) at the Video at the American Global Leadership Forum that the Chinese government has targeted five American companies in recent months, namely Micron Technology, Deloitte, Best, and Beckham.Well, Kaisheng Rongying and Mei Siwi Group.

He said, "This situation is only for American companies, and it will not happen to companies in other countries. All this seems to be out of political motivation. From a Chinese perspective, it seems to be revenge on revenge.Behavior, and this is wrong. We obviously have to resist and will fight back. "

Bernus pointed out that Washington is restricting that American companies sell advanced semiconductors to ChinaAdvantage."When we are competing, it is important that we have to control this competition to make it have limited and obstacles to ensure that it is always a peaceful competition."