On June 6, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference.According to reporters, John Cerby, spokesman for the National Security Council, told reporters that the military interception operations of Chinese ships and military aircraft show that the aggressiveness of Beijing is getting stronger and stronger, which may lead to accidents.What are the comments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

Wang Wenbin emphasized in the response that the truth is that the truth of the United States runs to the door of China's house to challenge not far away, and insists on what to get close to the reconnaissance near the territorial aim of the territorial sea in China.It is the promotion of navigation hegemony, which is naked military provocations. This hegemony is the source of the safety risk of sea and air.

Wang Wenbin said that China has always respected the power of navigation and flying through the navigation and flying power enjoyed by countries, but resolutely opposed the name of navigation and flying over the name of China, and endangering China's sovereignty and security.The Chinese army carried out the sea and air site response in accordance with laws and regulations. The relevant measures were professional, legal, and reasonable.