China clearly rejected the proposal of the China -US defense ministers during the meeting in Singapore for a few days.This result allows a small number of spectators who will still directly contact Sino -US defense high -level to reduce tension and hold a trace of expectations, hoping to tell.

The possibility of official talks during the During the Shangri -La dialogue with the US Defense Minister Li Shangfu and the US Defense Minister Austin have fallen to zero. Like the possibility of finalizing the meeting at the last moment, it is difficult to perform again.Nowadays, people can only expect that they can find a table in an informal chat during the fragrant meeting, or meet in the corridor at least to ease the atmosphere, although this possibility is quite slim.

In fact, this result should have been expected.Because China has long stated that the United States does not relieve the sanctions against Li Shangfu a day lack of sincerity. Li Shangfu's contact with Austin is exempt from talking.

The Ministry of National Defense of China officially announced on Monday (29th) that Li Shangfu would visit Singapore and attended the incense association. It notified the United States that night to arrange a meeting and closed the door of the defense meeting.

What is the reaction of the United States?Make sure that this door is closed tighter.

The Pentagon immediately opens the news that China refuses to meet to the media. This is tantamount to blocking the suspense that may have the suspense of the defense ministers.It is believed that China has also made China more sure that the United States has no sincerity to achieve the meeting of the two countries' defense ministers, but it is only to domestic and international audiences.

The remaining remaining is that the two manufactures accusing each other with each other that they must not be responsible for the meeting, implying that the other party has not played a role in maintaining communication and ensuring military accidents.A series of actions that come and go in China and the United States clearly show that neither country has the willingness and motivation to contact each other.: Even if you meet again (just) mature performances, it is better to see.

Li Shangfu was sanctioned by the United States for purchasing Russian weapons in 2018. It was the first Chinese PLA general to be sanctioned by the United States in history.That was the year of Trump's main administration. In September of the US State Department, the Chinese Central Military Commission's Equipment Development Department and then Minister Li Shangfu were "major transactions" with Russian defense product export companies, involving purchasing in 2017Ten Soviet 35 fighters and the purchase of S-400 air-missile systems in 2018 were sanctioned by the United States.

The Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission and Li Shangfu have been implemented by the United States, including prohibiting entering the US financial system, prohibiting American citizens from having business with them, and prohibiting entry in the United States.Li Shangfu was promoted to the Chinese Defense Mission in March this year. He became a new problem with how to contact the high -level U.S. military with the sanctions.

U.S. President Bayiden on May 21 at a press conference after the Summit (G7), Japan's Hiroshima Seventh -Kinging Group Summit (G7), it has predicted that Sino -US relations will quickly thaw.At that time, Biden also hurriedly stated "in negotiation" and "in discussion."Unexpectedly, the U.S. State Department spokesman denied that the sanctions would be relieved the next day.

This influential attitude is just an example, which reflects that the United States claims to thaw Sino -US relations on the one hand, and at the same time has not taken the key issues that China pays attention to it.At most, it can only be said to stop falling.

Another Chinese comment pointed out that the United States is looking at Li Shangfu and believes that Austin corresponds to the vice chairman of the China Central Military Commission rather than the defense director Li Shangfu, so it is so careless.In this regard, China is also quite unhappy.

On the next day when the Sino-US defense ministers were determined to meet, the Indo-Pacific Command of the United States announced the video on Tuesday (May 30), accusing a Chinese J-16 fighter aircraft on Friday on Friday."Unprofessional interceptions" and "unnecessary provocative behaviors" are performed directly to fly directly within 122 meters in front of the US reconnaissance machine.The Chinese military counterattacked the American wicked first, accusing the US military reconnaissance at an attempt to break into the training scope of the naval fleet for interference.

This is a period of time after half a year, the Sino -US military aircraft southern China has reached its enthusiasm. It is like the "meeting ceremony" before the Sino -US "meeting", which indicates that a sword argument between Li Shangfu and Austin is about to be staged.

However, the Chinese and American Defense Ministers go to the incense meeting, and they will not only stare at each other. They will definitely strive for more national support and make their own voices from representatives of the participants.Essence

According to the previous report of the Kyodo News Agency, China and Japan are coordinating the China -Japan Defense Ministers' talks during the incense meeting.South Korea has also confirmed that the Korean National Defense Minister Li Zhongzheng will hold bilateral meetings with China -Japan Defense Ministers in Singapore and participate in the U.S., Japan and South Korea's three -nation defense talks.

This time when he went to Singapore to attend the summit, he also included the defense ministers of major European countries, with a total of nearly 600 representatives from more than 40 countries in the world attended the meeting.The fragrant meeting is a multi -party and vertical and horizontal occasions. The Chinese and American hegemony is already fixed. At presentMeijiao needs to pay more attention.