The Chinese Embassy in Mexico issued a statement in response to the US entity and individuals on the grounds of participating in illegal drug production, criticizing the United States for unilateral sanctions to solve its own problems, and will only create barriers to cooperation between China and the United States.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Mexico on Thursday (June 1), the Embassy said that the United States was unreasonable on Tuesday (May 30) on the grounds of the so -called drug -related crime and sanctioning ChinaAnthology and individuals seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of relevant enterprises and individuals.China expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.

The China Embassy said that the excuse of the United States for the implementation of the sanctions was that these Chinese entities and individuals sold the deck machines, molds and other equipment to the United States and Mexico.As we all know, the chip machine and molds are ordinary products, which are legally used and are widely used in normal industrial production, and are not controlled in the international and China.According to international practice and traffic, ensuring that international goods are not used for illegal purposes is the basic responsibility of imported enterprises, and it is also a legal obligation of imported countries.

The China Embassy said that the roots of domestic drugs in the United States in the United States themselves.China has always tried to help the United States solve the problem of Fantany in the spirit of humanitarianism.

The embassy pointed out that in May 2019, China took the lead in the world to manage Fentni, which played an important role in preventing its illegal trafficking and abuse.The United States not only has not permanently tube fennei, but also disregards the goodwill of China. He insists on imposing unreasonable sanctions on the grounds of the so -called Xinjiang human rights issues and institutions of the China Ministry of Public Security and the National Drug Laboratory.Personally, "shake the pot" to China, attempts to confuse audiovisual, mislead the public, and pass on their own governance.

The Chinese Embassy criticized that the United States could not solve its own problems in unilateral sanctions, and it would only create further obstacles for Sino -US cooperation.China will continue to take necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and individuals.

At the end of the Embassy, China attaches great importance to cooperation with ink anti -drug cooperation, and the channels for bilateral anti -drug cooperation are unblocked.The competent departments of the two parties have maintained good and professional communication, and are currently conducting professional and efficient cooperation on related cases.China looks forward to providing the final test results of the laboratory to China as soon as possible in order to determine the nature of the matter involved and carry out follow -up cooperation.