According to the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command, an unnecessary provocative operation of a Chinese fighter aircraft over the South China Sea has conducted unnecessary provocations. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning on Wednesday (May 31)In response to this, the United States has frequently sent ships to conduct nearly reconnaissance against China for a long time, which seriously endangers China's national sovereign security. This provocative hazardous action is the root cause of maritime security issues.

Mao Ning responded to the relevant inquiries at a regular press conference held on the day of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the United States should immediately stop such dangerous provocations and said that China will continue to take necessary measures to firmly maintain itself to maintain itself.Sovereign security.

The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command issued a statement on Tuesday that a Chinese J-16 fighter aircraft made unnecessary provocations during the intercepting an US Air Force RC-135 aircraft on Friday.The Chinese fighter flew directly to the front of the RC-135 aircraft, forcing American planes to fly through its tail turbulence.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in the United States, responded to the US statement on the same day: The United States has frequently dispatched planes and ships for a long time to conduct nearly reconnaissance against China, which has a serious threat to China's national security.China urges the United States to stop this dangerous provocative behavior and stop pushing responsibilities to China.