The UAE issued a statement on Wednesday (May 31st) saying that it had withdrawn from the US -led "United Maritime Power" (CMF) two months ago;Middle East transportation is safe.

This statement from the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to respond to a report from the Wall Street Journal.It is reported that on May 30, with the title of "Iran's seizure of the tanker, the United States was asked to protect the Persian Gulf Safety", it was said that on April 27th and May 3rd, Iran was detained near the Strait of the Hormuz.UAE officials are "disappointed" by the response to the United States, asking the United States to take strong measures to "deter Iran".

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that this report is a "error description" of security dialogue between the UAE and the United States.The UAE has always been committed to peaceful dialogue and diplomatic contact, and uses it as a means of common goal to promote regional security and stability.The statement states that "after continuous evaluation of effective and security cooperation with all partners," the UAE withdrew from CMF two months ago.The UAE is committed to maintaining navigation safety in the sea according to international law.

The UAE's statement did not talk about the dispute between Iran and the United States, nor did it explain why the exit of CMF was exited.But the CMF commander Hawkins said: "CMF still contains 38 partner countries, and the UAE is one of them."

CMF was established in 2001.Bayin, the Gulf State of the Fifth Fleet Command.