Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun said with American college students that I hope everyone will become a messenger of China and the United States.

According to the China News Agency, the Chinese permanent delegation in the United Nations on Wednesday (May 31) should appointment for a policy blowing for the UN summer seminars of the University of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin.

Zhang Jun said at the event that today the world is facing many challenges. In the face of these challenges, any country is unable to deal with it alone.The world needs to unite and cooperate more than ever to practice true multilateralism.In this context, the United Nations is responsible for greater responsibilities and carries the common expectations of the peoples of various countries.

However, Zhang Jun believes that the role of the United Nations is not satisfactory.He said that to let the United Nations play a role, the key is that member states must practice true multilateralism, abandon unilateralism, group confrontation, and dual standards.

Zhang Jun emphasized that Sino -US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world today. Sino -US relations are good and beneficial to the two countries and the world.Otherwise, not only the two countries are killed, but the world is also affected.

He pointed out that the current Sino -US relations have encountered greater difficulties and need to return to the track of healthy and stable as soon as possible.To this end, we must grasp the general direction of the relationship between the two countries, and insist on handling Sino -US relations in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation."The United States should establish the correct cognition of China and stop harming China's sovereignty, security and development interests."

Zhang Jun said that he hopes that everyone will become a messenger of China and the United States and contribute to the healthy and stable development of relations between the two countries.