On Wednesday (May 31st), the United States first tried the three American residents on the Chinese fox hunting operation. These three suspects were accused of coercing American residents to return to China.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that the three defendants include retired Police officers and private detectives Michael Mcmahon, Queen's resident Zhu Yong (transliteration) and Brooklyn resident Zheng Congying (transliteration)EssenceThey were accused of coercion a former Chinese official who lived in the United States to return to China in 2020. The former official was wanted in China for suspected crime.

If the three defendants are charged, they will face the maximum ten years of imprisonment.However, the three defendants did not plead guilty and said they did not know that they were working for the Chinese government.

U.S. prosecutors accused that in 2016, Zhu Yong hired McMaho to put pressure on Xujin, a resident of New Jersey, and asked him to return to China to face the allegations of bribery and misappropriation of public funds.Mcma Hong was accused of assisting Chinese officials to bring Xu Jin's father from China to the United States, trying to pressure Xu Jin to return to China to face allegations.

U.S. prosecutors said that when Mcma Hong who participated in the plan did not persuade Xu Jin to return to China, Zheng Congying was accused of harassing Xu Jin's daughter, and based on the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, in the address provided by McMaho, it was in the address provided by McMaho.Xu Jin's home left a threatened note.The note wrote: "If you are willing to return to the mainland for ten years, your wife and children are fine. This is the end."

McMahong's lawyer said in the court statement that McMahong isA "Hero Police", who was awarded, did not know that he had been working for China.When McMahon monitored Xu Jin in New Jersey, he retained detailed records and notified the local police."If he secretly acts on behalf of the Chinese government, will he contact the police and tell them?" McMamong also argued that he was hired and was told that Xu Jin had misappropriated millions of dollars from a Chinese construction company.

In this regard, Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, said that the three defendants of the trial were not Chinese law enforcement officers, and these allegations were "just rumors and slander."Liu Pengyu said that repatriation of corruption fugitives and recovering illegal income is a widely recognized cause of justice in the international community.

The fox hunting operation is a special operation that the hunting of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security deployed and executed by the Ministry of Public Security to escape from overseas personnel for suspected corruption.Chinese officials said that the fox hunting operation started from July 22, 2014 to the end of the year.However, the U.S. government believes that the operation is still ongoing so far to target different politics.