Chinese officials said that the review found that there is a serious risk of network security in China to sell products in China. It is not given a network security censorship. Operators of key information infrastructure in China should stop purchasing Meiguang products.

China Net News Network posted on Sunday (May 21) that the China Cyber Security Examination Office recently conducted a network security review of Micron's sales products in China.

The review found that Micron's products have more serious network security issues, which causes major security risks to the supply chain of key information infrastructure in China and affect China's national security.The Cyber Security Examination Office has therefore made conclusions that do not pass network security censorship.

In accordance with laws and regulations such as network security law, operators of key information infrastructure in China should stop purchasing Micron's products.

But the Internet Information Office also emphasized that the review of Micron's products is a necessary measure to maintain national security. China firmly promotes high -level opening to the outside world.Enter Chinese market.

China Network Information Office announced in March this year to implement network security review for products sold by Micron, the largest memory chip manufacturer in the United States.Micron responded at the time that it was actively communicating and cooperating with the Internet Information Office.