The latest statistics released by the Council On Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat in the United States (Council On Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat) shows that Kuala Lumpur is a Southeast Asian city with a maximum of more than 150 meters, ranking ranked worldwide in the world.eight.

There are 211 high -rise buildings higher than 150 meters high in Kuala Lumpur, including five super high -rise buildings of more than 300 meters, namely the Shuangfeng Tower of the National Oil (451.9 meters each), 106 trading tower (445.5 meters), and the four seasons of Kuala Lumpur.Hotel (343 meters) and Malaysia Telecom Building (310 meters).

After the completion of the fourth quarter of this year, the Merdica 118 Building will be ranked among Kuala Lumpur at a height of 678.9 meters and become the world's second highest building.

Building (lianhe Zaobao)

Merdica 118 new landmark is injecting activities in the surrounding areas

The 118 Building of Meridica was built by a national investment institution under the Malaysia government, which was built.The design of the building was inspired by the Malaysian father, the father, Abdullaman, August 31, 1957, and announced the gaze posture of holding up the dagger when the Malaysian independence was independent.Essence

This high -rise building is the first comprehensive building in Malaysia to obtain the international sustainable development certification Platinum rating, including shopping malls, hotels and houses, as well as 1 million square feet of Grade A office space.Among them, the 116th floor will have the highest observation platform in Southeast Asia, overlooking the entire Kuala Lumpur.

TENGKU AB. Aziz TENGKU MAHMUD, the president of the National Investment Institution Subsidiary Merdica Venture Capital, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the purpose of building Meridica 118 is to build a culture,History, community and business new attractions and landmarks.

He said: "Merdica 118 is located in the historical area where the country announced its independence. We hope that it can become a catalyst that drives changes, bringing economic benefits and injecting new vitality to the urban area."

Merdica 118 is adjacent to the National Gymnasium and Meridica Stadium, which is also a place where Malaya announced its independence and separated from the British colonial rule.

Meridica 118 has been proclaimed for 13 years since its announcement in 2010, and was delayed during the period.At the end of this year, Meridica 118 will allow national investment institutions and subsidiaries to take the lead in settlement. It is planned to be officially opened in 2024. It is expected that at least 75 % to 80 % of the settlement rate can be reached in early 2025.

For the completion of Merdica 118, the surrounding businesses are welcomed, hoping that this project can drive the economy and attract more tourists.

Camar, the owner of Camfa Street Restaurant, told Lianhe Zaobao that Merdica 118 believes that it can recruit more passengers and office workers for the nearby old districts.He said: "The high -rise building stands in a historical building, making people shine, and it also shows that we can keep up with the development of the times."

Meridica 118 is close to the historical area located in Kuala Lumpur, and it is expected to inject new vitality into the Bishabuya Street.(Photo by Xiao Junyu)

The former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Esmame Samili, described the capacity of Meridica 118 in November 2021 that this high -rise building is a major achievement in Malaysia, reflecting the combination of Malaysian historical heritage and future.

However, not all Malaysian people support Jianye Tower.Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib announced in 2010 that more than 200,000 people were petted on the Internet to protest, questioning the government was wasting resources.

The Long Office Market has saturated skyscrapers or exacerbated vacancy rates

With the completion of the 106 trading tower and Meridica 118, the cost and benefits of the construction of skyscrapers have been heated again.

Some analysts pointed out that the completion of these two skyscrapers is only five years apart, and the high -end residential and offices that have launched the market with the building may exacerbate the excess of the excess supply of real estate in Kuala Lumpur.Prior to this, the office market in Kuala Lumpur was saturated, with an average vacancy rate of office buildings reached more than 20 %.

Wang Meizhen, a senior administrative director of Knight Frank, said to Lianhe Zaobao analyzed that due to factors such as inflation, interest rate raising and economic uncertainty, the Kuala Lumpur real estate market is still full of challenges in the short term. Potential investors have taken cautious observation and watches.Attitude.

Wang Meizhen said that in the first quarter of this year, the office in Kuala Lumpur was 67.8 %.She estimates that the office supply will continue to surplus in the short term, and the rent and entry rate will also face pressure."The upcoming office A office will constitute a fierce competition for the existing building owners. They must work hard to retain tenants or fight for new tenants."

However, Wang Meizhen believes that as more and more multinational companies are interested in renting the Grade A office, and the increase in the demand for shared office space, companies may provide a buffer for the office market.

Aslav, an analyst of the Malaysian JLL Real Estate Service Company, said that with the increase in the awareness of the company's environment, social responsibility and governance performance, the market's demand for sustainable buildings has continued to increase.Because there are not many buildings that Malaysia has obtained green authentication, Meridica 118 will have a competitive advantage.

In recent years, most of the new buildings in Kuala Lumpur are composed of offices and high -level shopping malls. It is believed that it is the main reason for the further imbalance of market supply and demand.In addition, the move to new buildings has also caused the old office building to be vacant.

In this regard, Cai Zhaoyuan, an economist of Malaysia, suggested that the government and the official parties consider market demand and economic returns before building skyscrapers.He emphasized that Malaysia to attract investment has nothing to do with high -rise buildings, but must strengthen the business environment.

Cai Zhaoyuan added that with the development of Malaysia's economy, the significance of building a landmark building is not much.

He pointed out that in the 1990s, the Malaysian economy had just begun, and the National Oil Shuangfeng Tower did help foreign investors to understand Malaysia and drive tourism."But is it necessary to build skyscrapers after the Shuangfeng Tower?"

"Other countries usually only need one land building, such as the Paris Tower and the Statue of Liberty are historic buildings. If we are just built for a high degree, these buildings will not have too high economic value."

Mahathir: Jianjian high -rise building shows the national ability and does not mind the double peak tower being compared with

Malaysia actively built a landmark building, began during the 1990s, Mahathir's main administration.Among them, the more famous skyscrapers include the Kuala Lumpur Tower (421 meters high) and the National Petroleum Twin Peak Tower, which was completed in 1994.

Mahathir said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the area where the Shuangfeng Tower is locatedIt was originally a racetrack.After the government asked the racetaka to move out of the urban area at that time, Ananda Krishnan, a wealthy merchant in Malaysia, invited the government to develop this location and host building design competitions.

Mahathir recalled: "We have selected the design of Cesar Pelli, an Argentine American architect. After that, we joined some Malay and Muslims elements and built the twin peaks that people see today.Tower. "

Mahathir revealed that the Twin Peak Tower was not so high. He asked Perry to build a few more floors in the original design to surpass the world's tallest The Sears TOWER.

He said: "We only need to add a few floors to become the highest building in the world. Since we are ready to build such a high building, why not add a few more floors? At that timeHold. "

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir talked about the reason why he built the double-peak tower when he accepted the United Morning Post.(File photo)

Today, the 88 -story Two -Peak Tower is regarded as a political heritage of the Mahathir era.Later, when Najib, who was appointed Prime Minister, announced the construction of a 118 -story Merdica building, was once considered to surpass and replace Mahathir's position.

Mahathir said at the time that he hoped that the Shuangfeng Tower in his lifetime would continue to become the highest building in Malaysia, thinking that the country does not need to build a higher building.Najib responded that the Meridica 118 project was to continue Mahathir's development vision and denied it to replace the Shuangfeng Tower.

As Merdica 118 is about to be completed, Mahathir said in an interview that anyone can build high -rise buildings as long as anyone has the ability, and he does not oppose others to build higher buildings than the Shuangfeng Tower.

When the reporter asked about the reason why he built multiple skyscrapers in Malaysia, Mahathir said: "This is to prove that we have the ability to surpass other countries."

But Mahathir admits that the phenomenon of "over -building" has appeared in Kuala Lumpur.He believes that the government should keep land to build more leisure space for the people."If we already have enough office space and shopping malls, we should not invest in the same things. Otherwise, we may not find tenants, which will lead to losses."

High -rise safety issues attracted attention

Mahathir's greatest concern for the Malaysian high -rise buildings is a security issue.Although the Malaysian country has no earthquake and volcano, an earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia may also affect Malaysia.

Mahathir said: "If an earthquake occurs, the building collapses, do we escape the route?"

Recently, there is an analysis of the Malaysian earthquake experts that Malaysia will be more vulnerable to earthquakes due to the movement of the crustal sector.The Ministry of Malaysia, Land and Natural Resources also suggested that all buildings first refer to the government's earthquake risk map released by the government in 2019.

Badrul Hisham Ismail, Director of Iman Research, who studies Malaysian houses and urban planning, pointed out that Malaysia has ignored natural disaster factors in architecture for many years, and there is no even a culture of disaster exercises."If an earthquake or other disasters suddenly occur, we may not even know how to protect our own safety."

Recently, the Kuala Lumpur Light Small Railway Station has been forced to close because the surrounding construction engineering affects the structure.Badro takes this as an example to condemn the construction industry for not strictly complied with safety standards."These omissions must be paid attention to strictly when we carry out construction projects, especially when building high -rise buildings."

Badro believes that Malaysia is keen to build skyscrapers because of "obsession" for large -scale development projects.He pointed out that Mahathir has promulgated a number of large -scale development projects, including the construction of highways and skyscrapers.This trend has continued to this day, and many developers have also received benefits from it."But can these large projects really benefit the people? The answer is likely to be negative."

Experts: Investment in public facilities is more important than building high -rise buildings

Badro said that the main problem in Kuala Lumpur is the lack of housing affordable by the general public, allowing the people to live and employment in the city center."At present, people work in Kuala Lumpur, but live in the suburbs, which leads to a gap in the occupancy rate in the city center. We must try to supply more people's affordable houses and let them return to the city to live."

Improvement of housing policies is more important than building more buildings.

The construction of high -rise buildings in the intensive city center is bound to exacerbate the problem of traffic congestion in Kuala Lumpur.Badro suggested that the government first improves the interconnection of the Kuala Lumpur public transportation system to make the city center more livable and competitive.

Cai Zhaoyuan believes that Malaysia should use fiscal resources more effectively, including investing in hardware and software equipment, such as education and research."Compared with the construction of skyscrapers, these investments can bring long -term economic benefits and can directly solve people's livelihood problems."

Malaysia's current Prime Minister Anhua has pointed out that Malaysia's debt has exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan. He has no intention of building skyscrapers as the "landmark of the Anwar era", but he will make good use of public funds to help small and medium -sized businesses improve competitiveness.EssenceAnwar said that Kuala Lumpur has enough national oil Twin Peak Tower and Dun Lhasa International Trade Center. He does not need to increase competition with skyscraper projects.