On Sunday (May 21), the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit closed in Hiroshima, Japan is generally lower than external expectations for China.US President Biden said on the same day that he agreed with G7's consistent attitude towards China. The purpose of the G7 was to reduce risks instead of deciring with China.He also pointed out that US -China relations will "thaw" soon.

Biden made the above -mentioned "thawing" prophecy at the Sunday press conference.

G7 Saturday (May 20) issued a statement and part of the communiqué for China, including implicit economic coercion, but did not name China.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded tough that night, and criticizing the United States was the true "coercion" of political and trade relations and weapons.

The Chinese scholars interviewed evaluated that the diplomatic confrontation between China and the United States will not affect the further dialogue between the two sides. Prior to the summit, various G7s will be targeted at Chinese information and wind, in fact, they are in Beijing.However, the overall tension at the interactive interaction between the two countries will not be fundamentally relieved.

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday night refutes the new anti -economic coercion of the G7 through the official website. It is named for criticizing the United States to engage in unilateral sanctions and the“ off -hook chain ”."" ".

The statement also named the United States for the second time, saying that the international community did not accept the "small circle rules" that served the "United States" and a few countries.

A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Japan also criticized the G7 summit to speculate on the hype to deal with economic coercion together, and urged the United States to stop the bullying act of "detachable chain" immediately.The statement also pointed out that Japan, as the chairman of the G7 conference, should also reflect on what they have done. They must not repeatedly violate faith and neighbors.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Za posks on Sunday that the G7 summit reflects the very obvious intention of the United States. At present"," Further increase the legitimacy of the new Cold War against China "in a multilateral manner, which has triggered the latest round of diplomatic confrontation between China and the West.

He believes that the response of China's diplomatic system is to adopt a relative way to refute the allegations attack from G7 in a timely manner.This is not only "a new normal for Sino -US relations", but also one of the important contents of strategic competition between the two countries.

Zhu Feng also analyzed that China's criticism is mainly concentrated in the United States and Japan, and fight against China for the two countries.

Mu Dong, a scholar of Shanghai International Relations, also pointed out in an interview that China ’s response obviously takes different treatments and expresses dissatisfaction with the United States and Japan in a naming manner.Essence

He analyzed that although the United States, Japan and Europe are currently regarding China as a competitor, there are differences in the three parties in the toughness of China.Europe is relatively eased, because the interests of economic and trade benefits are heavier. "

Mu Dong pointed out that China is currently evaluating the objects that Europe can win, so one week before the G7 summit was held, Han Zheng, vice chairman of China, Wang Yi, director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang at the same time visited Europe at the same time.Essence

In Mu Dong's view, the G7 actually did not have fierce confrontation with China this time, and also "left some room" for improving relations with Beijing.He analyzed that the G7 Saturday's statement and bulletin were obviously more concerned about the Russian and Ukraine War. The part of China was placed in the bulletin position, showing that China is not the core issue.

Mu Dong believes that the G7 is still hopeful for the Chinese mediation of the Russia and Ukraine War. "If China plays some role, in the G7's view, at least in terms of diplomatic strategy, it can still communicate and cooperate with China."

On the other hand, Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao will go to the United States to talk to the two senior officials this week.Zhu Feng expects that the latest diplomatic confrontation will not affect further dialogue between China and the United States, but the overall interactive atmosphere of high -level interaction between the two countries will not fundamentally alleviate.The various accusations of G7 on China believe that it will also be one of the important contents of the high -level dialogue between the United States and the United States this week.