(Nicholas Burns) Submit the national book for more than a year as Beijing's "revenge" of Washington. A US State Department spokesman said that Bernus was doing important work in China for more than a year and did not think that there was a retaliation behavior.

Bernus submitted a copy of Guoshu by Hong Lei, the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 2 last year on April 2 last year.However, it was not until Monday (April 24) that he officially submitted the Chinese book to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Xi Jinping accepted the 70 national ambassador, including Berns, who included in the Great Hall of the People on Monday, and took a photo with them.

Bernus issued a screenshot of the picture of the Chinese book and took a group photo with Xi Jinping on Tuesday (April 25) on Twitter.Church submitted the national book to President Xi Jinping. It is a honor to be able to represent the United States as an ambassador in the People's Republic of China. "

The new ambassador to the local head of state to Ren Guoshu is an important official ceremony, a symbol, symbolizingIt is recognized as a representative of the dispatch government.According to media statistics, the US Ambassador to China usually submits a national book within one month when he arrives, and Berns will be officially submitted until more than a year after any one year.A retaliation of intense relationships.

The US State Council spokesman Vedant Patel responded to the relevant question on Tuesday on Tuesday and denied that he was retaliated with China, saying that Berns' more than a year in China, all of them, all of them, all of which are all in China.I am engaged in important work.Patt pointed out that the time arrangement of Ren Guoshu for foreign envoys should be responded by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Patt also said that Bernus is an experienced "world -class" diplomat. The United States is very grateful to him for represented the United States in Beijing, and he is also happy for him to submit the national book.