South Korean President Yin Xiyue, who is being visited in the United States, Yu Xiyue, Yu Xueyue, Yu Xueyue, Yu Xueyue, was Yu Xueyue, Yu, Yu Xiyue, Yu Xueyue.When visiting the Godeddard Aerospace Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) on Tuesday (April 25), it is emphasized that Han and the United States will promote cooperation in the field of aerospace.

Yonhap reported that the presidential office then said that South Korea will take the opportunity of President's visit to NASA as an opportunity to officially participate in the American -led manned lunar detection "Artemis Moon Lunar Plan".

On the same day, the Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication (Ministry of Science and Technology) and the NASA agreement signed a joint statement designed to strengthen space exploration cooperation.The statement pointed out that the two countries will jointly excavate and refine cooperation projects in the fields of lunar detection, global positioning systems, and space detection.

Harris, Vice President of the United States and Chairman of the National Space Commission, is the guide for Yin Xiyue.The two also visited the Southern Geles Roman Space Telescope and the manufacturing site of the meteorological observation satellite developed to deal with the climate crisis.

US Vice President Harris (right President Harris2) South Korean President Yin Xiyue (third from right), a South Korean President who visited the Ghodada Space Center.(Agence France -Presse)

Yin Xiyue said at a press conference that he hopes that the Han and American alliance will expand the cooperation field from the earth to space and form the space alliance on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the two countries.

Harris indicates that the United States promises to strengthen the new field of the Korean and American alliances, including cooperation in the space field.The United States looks forward to expanding cooperation about the "Artemis Plan" in the future, including sending the astronauts to the moon after 50 years, and laid the foundation for performing tasks on Mars.