
Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

The Starship of the American SpaceX company (Starship) ignited on April 20. After a few minutes after ignition, the Rockets' heavy booster and star ship failed to separate and ended in the air explosion.In the past few days, how should I think of the star ship and the star of the star ship Elon Musk, which caused a lot of arguments or even scolding on the Chinese public opinion field.

After the star ship exploded, although Beijing time was late at night, the relevant news soon appeared on the Chinese social media hot search list. The reading volume was close to 350 million, and a large number of netizens poured into interactive messages.Someone sighed, and some people were gloating.

Chinese official media did not make emotional remarks on the star ship's explosion.The China Aerospace News WeChat public account issued a document on April 21. From a technical perspective, the advanced nature of the star ship was analyzed. Although the star ship failed to complete the first flight target, it did refresh the launch index record of the spacecraft. In the futureProvide more possibilities.

The article said that the first flight of the star ship is the most watched aerospace launch event in 2023.First, because the star ship refreshed many records of heavy rockets, it comprehensively surpassed the practical rocket model in the history of aerospace from the aspects of thrust, take -off weight, and capacity.Second, because the design concept of the star ship is very radical, a number of new technologies have been integrated.If this launch is successful, the star ship will become the first launch vehicle in the history of aerospace, and the first liquid oxygenum rocket that has been successfully trail."Unfortunately, the wishes are uncomfortable, and the first and second levels have been separated when they are separated."

The article believes that aerospace innovation is never easy.According to the consistent style of SpaceX, it will never stop in this setback. It has expected the huge risk of the first flight beforehand, and the subsequent test flying star ship has been assembled in the plant.This is one of the reasons why SpaceX can rise rapidly in 20 years, and it is also warned that people's aerospace innovation is always opportunities and risks.

The well -known Big V Hu Xijin posted: "The first flight of the Star Ship exploded after 3 minutes, and it was artificially detonated.The scenes applauded by the on -site staff and Musk and SpaceX were all optimistic and emotional.

Hu Xijin believes that there is obviously a systematic atmosphere of tolerance and encouragement in American society, which makes it possible to dare to dare to dare to do it."To compete with the United States, our encouragement of exploration and wealth must gradually be stronger than the United States, and those who cannot take detours and encounter setbacks during the exploration will be hit.This is very critical. "

But in the comment area, netizens are obviously divided into two different views.Some people support Hu Xijin's view that the SPACEX star ship's first launch is not a failure. The tolerance and optimism in the United States are worthy of Chinese learning.Some people also refute: "How did the star ship launch the explosion become the glory of the American tolerance failure? If it is replaced by the rocket explosion in China, will some people say that China has failed to do so?It's! "

A Grand V of Jiangsu said that the successful standard for launch in the United States is "not damaging the launch table and normally launch, even if it is successful", so this SpaceX star ship should be successful, not failed.Some media and netizens in China claim that the false news of the failure of the star ship's launch of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch of the launch is to deliberately deceive the public.This post was supported by more than 200 people.

Some netizens also posted articles that whether you like the United States and whether you like SpaceX, it is a whole human beings that technological progress benefits, so it is difficult to support it.Some netizens attributed the gloating netizens to "low quality", saying that those who laughed at the failure of the star ship were "more confident in the ignorance."

A Hunan netizen spoke: "Musk continues, this world will always appreciate those who have the courage to dare to come again, not those pigs who laugh at you." ??

However, these views have attracted more netizens' return.A Sichuan netizen said: "The SpaceX star ship has disintegrated in the air, because it has not exploded in the launch table, so it is successful in launch. What logic is this?"

A Hebei netizen said: "It's really a ghost. Obviously everyone saw that the SpaceX star ship exploded in the air. As a result, the Chinese media and Chinese netizens joined forces to deceive the public."

A Guangdong netizen said: "Why a rocket launched so many 'two devils'? Not only is it like a funeral test, but it is also the responsibility of Chinese netizens."

The Star Ship explosion has caused controversy or even scolding among Chinese netizens, and once again shows the splitting of society and even opposition.Remember that after the "Challenger" of the US Aerospace Aircraft in 1986, the Chinese official and society unanimously regretted the failure of the "Challenger" and expressed condolences to the victims.Today, in the context of the continuous upgrading of the Sino -US game, Chinese society's views on the United States have changed, and many people have changed from the original admiration to American technology.

In fact, the different views and different emotions of the explosion of the star ship depends on the position and perspective of netizens.From the perspective of China -US technology competition, it is inevitable that some netizens will express emotional remarks.After all, the competition between China and the United States in the field of science and technology largely determines the national movement of the two countries.

But on the other hand, aerospace is a high -tech, high investment, and high -risk industry. The success of aerospace technology is inevitable based on failure.Human exploration of space is endless, and the progress of aerospace science and technology can ultimately benefit humans.From this perspective, the efforts of the United States, China and other countries in the field of aerospace are worthy of respect.