Two American scholars participating in the closed -door forum believe that at this stage, no new discussions are found to define Sino -US relations in "new reality".For the United States, one of the extremely uncertain factors is what the ultimate goal of China's reshaping international order is.

American scholars believe that Sino -US relations and international order are in the "transition moment" in the change. At this stage, new discussions cannot be found to define Sino -US relations in "new reality".For the United States, one of the extremely uncertain factors is what the ultimate goal of China's reshaping international order is.

Chinese scholars believe that China and the United States have different awareness of international order. The West is consciously fading with ideological "free international order". China and the world must formulate basic behavior principles for international issues to stabilize the relationship.Scholars also warned that China and the United States did not enter the Cold War, but "pan -ideological" is pushing Sino -US relations to the Cold War.

Sino -auxiliary scholars attended the fourth "three -sided exchange" closed -door forum on Friday (April 21) at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajelenan International Research Institute on Friday (April 21), respectively., Express the above view.

The Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) and Chinese research project director Jude Blanchette said in an interview that China and the United States are now in a rapidly changing and highly uncertain environment. The two sides think about the two countries.The traditional way of relationships and order is also changing. "We haven't fully found the answer yet, so this is a transition moment."

He said that the huge challenge between the two sides is to find a new discussion structure for the thousands of Sino -US relations, rather than simply summarizing the "Cold War" or "Non -Cold War".The relationship between the two nuclear military powers is complex, competing in the field of science and technology, security, and military, and intertwined in the economy and technology fields."In the past, the exposition on Sino -US relations was used, but we could not find new discussions to understand Sino -US relations."

Christopher Johnstone, a senior researcher at CSIS and director of the Japanese project, also said that Sino -US relations cannot return, and both sides must accept "new reality."The strategic competition between the two countries will continue, and the United States is adjusting the definition of Sino -US relations, and China and the United States must think about how to establish a stable relationship under new definition.

Although China and the United States have different concepts of international order, the two sides still have many common interests.Jiang Shidong pointed out that one of the most uncertain factors for the United States is: What is the ultimate purpose of China's reshaping international order?"This is a basic problem for many Americans."

Jiang Shidong also said that the world has really become polarized, and small and medium -sized countries have great influence. The United States and China cannot negotiate to determine the appearance of international order. They must listen to the opinions of other countries.Jiang Shidong believes that this is a good thing, "the dynamic evolution of the world structure will eventually help maintain stability."

Aesthetic scholars: China is still novice to deal with geopolitics challenges, often errors

Bai Ming believes that the United States still plays a strong corner in the international system, but it is not as strong as the single -pole world. The United States now needs to be more active to adjust the interests of the allies and partners, but also on the issue of Taiwan issues and science and technology competition., Adapt to a tough, confident and powerful China.

However, he believes that China is still a novice on the way. He is walking while studying and "flying while flying and making planes."For example, he said that the director of the CPC Central Committee and the Supreme CCP leader visited Russia on the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine in Russia. These visits are unpopular in Europe, but China cannot see the second and third -order consequences of its own behavior.EssenceAccording to Bai Ming's analysis, the root cause is that the longer the leader of the authoritarian regime, the more degraded the information pipeline, and the greater the possibility of serious misjudgment.

Jia Qingguo, a professor at the School of International Relations of Peking University, pointed out that China and the United States have different awareness of international order. The West understands international order from ideology and is called "free international order".Trade.Developing countries look at international order from an non -ideological perspective, that is, "secular international order", and the concerns include not intervening in other domestic affairs and territorial integrity.

Jia Qingguo said that the former Soviet Union tried to propose a new international order in the Cold War, but it was unsuccessful. After the Soviet Union was disintegrated, the Western -led "free international order" further expanded.During the US hegemony, the Western camp actively promoted the international order of freedom.

But since then, the international structure has changed, and the world has gradually moved towards polar.Jia Qingguo said that the international order of freedom is falling, but the secular international order has not risen. Therefore, Russia launched "special military operations" against Ukraine, North Korea's frequent test -to -missile missiles, etc., challenging international order.

Jia Qingguo believes that it is time for China and the United States to formulate basic behavior principles for international issues.It may not be a order, but at least the rules and behavior specifications agreed by all parties. "Let us stabilize the relationship and cooperate in the field of cooperation."

Jia Qingguo also warned that although China and the United States did not enter the Cold War, the two major dangerous trends of "pan -security" and "pan -ideological" are pushing relations between the two countries to the Cold War.For example, the United States has to formulate a decoupling policy for science and technology in the United States in the United States, and it has to pay a huge economic price for itself, but the United States does not hesitate.

Jia Qingguo believes that China and the United States are not "ideological enemies", but there are public opinion on both sides, trying to emphasize ideological differences.He said that in fact, China's "24 -character socialist core values" include democracy, freedom, equality, rule of law, etc., which are all recognized by the United States.

Chinese scholars: the most dangerous is the Taiwan issue

In order to avoid China and the United States from entering the Cold War, Jia Qingguo called on both parties to restore official and unofficial contact, identify the most detonating points of the two countries, and promote cooperation that meets common interests.

Jia Qingguo's analysis pointed out that economic relations are common interests, and the most dangerous is the Taiwan issue."If the issue of Taiwan is not handled well, the relationship between the two countries will face conflicts and even war." He suggested that China and the United States not only set a protective bar for political relations, but also emphasized that the US Congress should not poke Chinese eyes all the time.This behavior is the challenge of China and the United States.

Jiang Shidong judged that although the risk of war caused by the Taiwan issue, as long as the communication channel is kept smooth, it can be "responsible for handling to avoid the worst mission."He said that the domestic politics of the United States sometimes "make more heat than light and noise than signals" on the Taiwan issue, so it is necessary to understand more clearly that the US political system is part of the issue of Taiwan, "which are substantial and which can be ignored."

Wang Jingrong: my country does not choose the side station, so it can play the main character of the host

Sino -US relations continue to be tight, and scholars between the two countries sit down and face them face -to -face and correct the error cognition.Singapore is a small country. There is no "motivation for ulterior motives" and not choosing a station.

Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajele South International Research InstituteOn Friday (April 21), the fourth "three -sided exchange" closed -door forum was held.Wang Jingrong, Executive Vice Chairman of the Research Institute and the tour ambassador Wang Jingrong, expressed the above conversation in an interview with local media.

The first "three -sided exchange" closed -door forum was held in 2021. This year is the first time that it is held in a full physical form. A total of 120 people attended the meeting, including different national scholars and Singapore officials.

Wang Jingrong said that the value of physical face -to -face communication is that "dialogue is humanized and can also produce emphasis on the same sense," so that they can better understand the content seen in publications or media reports.This is also the first time that there are very senior Sino -artists who have come to communicate. Wang Jingrong described this as a positive development and hoped that the exchange can continue.

When talking about the role of Singapore, Wang Jingrong said that Singapore is a small country and has no "motivation for ulterior motives". I only hope that Chinese aesthetic scholars can gather together, so the college can pull both sides to the same occasion to talk."The big country does not argue, and the regional economic prosperity is also good for Singapore."

Wang Jingrong said that the challenge faced by my country is to keep the side station, otherwise it will not be able to continue to play the host of the host.

As for Sino -US relations, Wang Jingrong believes that China and the United States should not "have been arguing like campus debaters", otherwise it is difficult to build a constructive lasting relationship.

He said that the issues of the country need to listen to each other's claims, explain their internal complex situations as much as possible, and then find and expand consensus and cooperation. There will definitely be competition between big powers, but it is necessary to follow the rules.He said that Sino -Artists participating in the closed -door forum agreed that the two countries should not confront them publicly.

Fan Ruixiang, deputy secretary (policy) of the Ministry of National Defense of Singapore, will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the event.

He summarized to the local media at the venue and said that competition in the United States and China will intensify, but there are many ways to prevent competition upgrades into military conflicts; China and the United States must not only improve communication, but also improve the quality of communication and make more in order to carry out more in orderMutual trust and strategy -based communication.He saw a lot of Chinese auxiliary scholars at the venue, showing that they all wanted to meet and interact.